Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a flower

Service Learning

Volunteering and collecting ECTS points in one!

Register for the Service Learning module and choose the Sustainability Office as an honorary position.

Deadline SS 24:

Kick-off: 02.04.
HISinOne 3169

Field of application:
26.04.24 (3 pm.) till 30.04.24 (11:59 pm.)

What you can do with us?

We are always looking for helping hands for upcoming projects. Apart from that, you can also get involved creatively with us and support us with media design, for example.

Project management

Existing projects

  • Sustainability Days (WS)
  • Ersti-Akademie zukunftsfähig (SS)

New project

  • Outside the periodic projects, such as new and/ or one-off projects. You are also welcome to suggest your own project ideas.


  • Actors
  • Existing projects of the university
  • Projects outside the university


  • Informations
  • Contact forwarding
Media design


  • WordPress (and HTML)


  • Write articles for the newsletter


  • Write articles
  • Design sharepics

How can you register?

All information, from registration to the exact module schedule, can be found on the Service Learning website.

Ganzes Programm
Programmübersicht des Service-Learning-Moduls

Auftaktveranstaltung: Vorstellung der Initiativen für das Engagement, Einführung ins Arbeitsjournal und in ethische Leitfragen

Engagement in einem der vier Einsatzfelder (min. 30 Stunden): 1. Interkulturalität und Migration
2. Nachhaltigkeit, Umwelt und Life Sciences
3. Demokratiebildung
4. Digitalisierung

Begleitende Workshops (eins frei wählbar, 6 Stunden) kann übergreifend oder einsatzfeldbezogen sein.

Supervisions- bzw. Beratungstreffen in einer Kleingruppe.

Interdisziplinäre Abschlussveranstaltung mit Theorie-Praxis-Austausch.