Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a clover

Early career support

The collaborative research in the EPIADAPT priority program runs under the aim to accelerate the careers of early career researchers by providing a stimulating atmosphere through verbal exchange, but also by granting access to methods and data and by specific training offers.

The planed SPP networking activities are particularly well suited to the education of early career researchers.

In addition, for the early career researchers workshops training in regard to basic skills, such as scientific writing and presentation, time management and self-management will be organized if necessary. 

Conference visits with active participation will be encouraged, and recommendations for meetings and conferences will be shared within EPIADAPT. Early career researchers can apply to the SPP for funding of the travel costs.

All participating groups will be recommended to organize thesis advisory committees (TAC) for supervision of doctoral candidates.  Including consortium members in the TAC will further intensify collaboration.

The consortium will grant a yearly EPIADAPT award to selected early career scientists who plan scientific independence. The funds should help successful postdoctoral researchers to develop own project lines and apply for further own funding.

The pictures shows stained nerve cells. The cell nuclei appear as bue dots, red protusions extend in all directions.

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