Would you like to be kept up to date on what events are taking place and what’s happening around the university in terms of sustainability? Then you’ve come to the right place. About once a month we want to send you the latest information directly via our newsletter. A special edition may also be published in the event of hot news. Stay tuned.
How can I register?
Both, members of the university and non-members, can register for the newsletter. Proceed as follows:
- Members of the university can easily subscribe to our free newsletter via their MyAccount account. After logging in, navigate to “Mail- lists administration” tab and click on “Mailing lists”. In the category “Nachhaltigkeit an der Uni (Sustainability at the university” you can tick the box “nachhaltigkeitsbuero-newsletter”. To confirm the entry, click on the “Next” button on the right. You will then receive a confirmation email.
- Anyone who is not a member of the university but is still interested in receiving the newsletter, can send an informal email to the Sustainability Office, asking to be included in the newsletter. This may take a few days.
Then you are good to go!