Registration is now open (see below).
Prof. Dr. Ernst Eberlein
Giovanni Barone-Adesi (Lugano) | Ales Cerny (London) |
Christa Cuchiero (Vienna) | Freddy Delbaen (Zurich) |
Thomas Gehrig (Vienna) | Hélyette Geman (New York) |
Kathrin Glau (London) | Zorana Grbac (Paris) |
Friedrich Hubalek (Vienna) | Monique Jeanblanc (Paris) |
Jean Jacod (Paris) | Yuri Kabanov (Besancon) |
Ioannis Kyriakou (London) | Alex Lipton (Abu Dhabi) |
Dilip Madan (Maryland) | Johannes Muhle-Karbe (London) |
Nakahiro Yoshida (Tokyo) | Wolfgang Runggaldier (Padova) |
Gerhard Stahl (Hannover) | Michael Sørensen (Copenhagen) |
Josef Teichmann (Zurich) |
There will be registration fee of 50 EUR to cover local expenses. Online participation is possible without fee. Registration is always required. Please register at the following site, the deadline for registration is April 15, however the space is limited.
Registration site:
Try to book your hotel early – there is already a large demand on hotel rooms on the targeted date.
Information about the schedule and further details will follow in April.
Laura Ballotta (London)
Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz (Freiburg)
Jan Kallsen (Kiel)
Antonis Papapantoleon (Delft)
Thorsten Schmidt (Freiburg)