Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a flower

19 minutes with 19 degrees. Talks on the energy crisis.

University of Freiburg researchers answer questions about the energy crisis: multidisciplinary, scientifically sound, succinct. On Monday afternoons, in 19-minute talks in the centrally located lecture hall HS 1015 (KG I).

Should we be afraid of a blackout? How can buildings not only save energy but even generate it? How is the energy crisis affecting the economy, and how can we address it together? How are renewable energies and authoritarian regimes connected? What significance does energy have from a historical perspective? How did we get into all this – and how can we get out of it?

At “19 minutes at 19 degrees,” anyone with an interest in the topic can obtain scientifically sound answers to these and other questions – easily accessible, in lecture hall HS 1015, just a few steps away from the University Library and the Rempartstraße cafeteria.

Whether as a break from your own studies, as an informative lunch break with colleagues, or as a dessert after your cafeteria meal: The University of Freiburg and the student Sustainability Office invite students and staff in particular, irrespective of their own field of study or work, to engage in an exchange with scholars at the university who are researching and teaching this highly topical subject – and also to enter into a conversation with each other about it.

Four young people are sitting in a small old chair and chatting. They are holding pens and notepads.

When and where?

Mondays, 1:15–1:45 p.m.

See below for individual dates

HS 1015, Kollegiengebäude I
Platz der Universität 3, 79098 Freiburg

The lecture series is open to the interested public. No prior registration is required.
You can access the livestream by clicking on the link of the respective event title. 
We will also make recordings of the events that have already taken place available here.

Dates & Talks


Eine (sehr) kurze Geschichte der Energie (A [very] brief history of energy)

Prof. Dr. Melanie Arndt, professor for economic, social, and environmental history

19 December 2022


Keine Angst vorm Blackout: Sicherheit der Stromversorgung heute und in Zukunft
(No fear of a blackout: Security of power supply today and in the future; livestream)

Prof. Dr. Anke Weidlich, professor for technologies of energy distribution, INATECH

9 January 2023


Wirtschaftliche Folgen der Energiekrise (Economic consequences of the energy crisis; livestream)

Prof. Dr. Marten Hillebrand, professor for economic theory

16 January 2023


Flugscham, Energiekrise, Konsumreduktion: Verzichtshandeln und der Kampf um Privilegien
(Flight shame, energy crisis, reduction of consumption: Renunciation and the struggle for privileges)

23 January 2023

Prof. Dr. Nina Degele, professor for sociology and empirical gender studies

Prof. Dr. Timo Heimerdinger, professor for cultural anthropology and European ethnology


Energieautarke Sinne für das Haus von morgen
(Energy self-sufficient senses for the house of tomorrow)

30 January 2023

Prof. Dr. Peter Woias

professor for the construction of microsystems & principal investigator at the Cluster of Excellence livMatS (research area: “energy autonomy”)


Auf dem Weg in eine klimaneutrale Energieversorgung – Transformationspfade für die deutsche Energiewende
Toward a climate-neutral energy supply – transformation pathways for the German energy turn

Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Henning, professor for solar energy systems, INATECH, & director of the Fraunhofer Institute für Solar Energy Systems ISE

16 January 2023

Poster for the series “19 Minutes at 19 Degrees”

All important information on the lecture series is also included on the poster below:

Poster for "19 Minuten bei 19 Grad".


Maria-Xenia Hardt

Expert for Strategic Communication, University of Freiburg