Collaborative Research Centres
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries
Research Training Groups and International Research Training Groups
ID | Project title | Start | End | Phase |
GRK 2123 | Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Multiple-Use Landscapes of Central Europe (ConFoBi) | 2021-01 | 2025-06 | 2 |
GRK 2202 | Transport across and into membranes | 2021-01 | 2025-06 | 2 |
GRK 2277 | Statistical Modeling in Psychology (SMiP) | 2022-04 | 2026-09 | 2 |
GRK 2344 | MeInBio – BioInMe: Exploration of spatio-temporal dynamics of gene regulation using high-throughput and high-resolution methods | 2017-09 | 2026-08 | 2 |
GRK 2571 | Empires: Dynamic Transformation, Temporality and Postimperial Orders | 2020-11 | 2025-04 | 1 |
GRK 2606 | Understanding protease functions in cellular pathways through discovery and analysis of protease substrates (ProtPath) | 2021-01 | 2025-06 | 1 |
GRK 2717 | Dynamics of Controlled Atomic and Molecular Systems (DynCAM) | 2022-01 | 2026-06 | 1 |
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
Research Units (Coordination Freiburg)
ID | Project title | Start |
FOR 2674 | Aging-related epigenetic remodeling in acute myeloid leukemia | 2017 |
FOR 5099 | Reducing complexity of nonequilibrium systems | 2020 |
FOR 5281 | Multi-Trophic Interactions in a Forest Biodiversity Experiment in China | 2022 |
FOR 5315 | Humus layer: changes in functionality, dynamics and vulnerability | 2022 |
FOR 5381 | Mathematical Statistics in the Information Age – Statistical Efficiency and Computational Tractability | 2021 |
FOR 5476 | UcarE- Urothelial Carcinoma Epigenetics | 2023 |
FOR 5596 | Unfolding the potential of SAM-dependent enzyme chemistry | 2024 |
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
Priority Programms (Coordination Freiburg)
ID | Project title | Start |
SPP 2502 | EPIADAPT: Epigenomic adaptations of neural chromatin in development, function and disease | 2025 |
SPP 2177 | Radiomics: Next Generation of Biomedical Imaging | 2019 |
SPP 2237 | MAdLand – Molecular Adaptation to Land: plant evolution to change | 2020 |
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries