Freiburg, 14/03/2025
The aim of the project 4D – 4 Dimensions of Digital and Didactic Development is to strengthen digital teaching and learning across various levels at the University of Freiburg. Since 2021 there have been sub-projects relating to different aspects of teaching – ranging from ILIAS developments through advanced training opportunities for students and teachers and even teaching and learning resources that are open to the public.
As the Covid pandemic showed, good digital teaching calls for more than just PowerPoint slides with key words for independent learning. With 4D – 4 Dimensions of Digital and Didactic Development, the University of Freiburg is delivering services intended to simplify and improve many aspects of digital teaching and learning. Since 2021 the project has been funded by the foundation Innovation in der Hochschullehre [Innovation in University Teaching]. This year, 2025, is the final year of funding.
The University of Freiburg’s strategy for Digitalisation of Teaching lists four dimensions for digital teaching development: students, teaching staff, the organisation, society – so it covers a broad spread of activities and target groups. Or, as project coordinator Dr. Christian Kny puts it: “Most of those who work at the University of Freiburg use one result or another of the project – often without realising.”
“University members will benefit from the infrastructure and services that have been created during the project for a long time to come.”
Since 2021 prizes have being awarded to the faculties for innovative teaching projects arising from 4D. A total of six E-IDAs (Electronic-Instructional Development Awards) have been awarded since the project began. In addition, using project funds, teachers have been able to engage more intensively with the development of new digital methods and concepts on 20 e-teaching fellowships.
A key component of 4D is the ongoing development of the ILIAS study platform. For instance, the project has enabled teachers and students to work on documents simultaneously on the platform. Since the end of 2024 it has also offered an AI chatbot. The chatbot does not require an additional account and can simply be used securely and for free in ILIAS.
“Most of those who work at the University of Freiburg use one result or another of the project – often without realising.”
Using various means such as digital tools like video clips, 4D will increase the transparency of internal accreditation procedures and empirical Quality Management tools. University-wide surveys will now include questions about digital skills. At the same time, training materials offer an opportunity to shape curriculum development more systematically. Course evaluations now take place entirely online, allowing more flexible design of surveys. Adaptation of questionnaires to specific teaching formats contributes to an increase in the preciseness of feedback and thus to more efficient quality improvement.
With its digital skills certificate, the Center for Key Qualifications (ZfS) helps students with issues such as handling information and data responsibly or how to create digital content such as podcasts or videos themselves.
The training programme “Auf dem Weg zur Professur” [The path to a professorship] run by Higher Education Didactics and Digital Learning and Teaching Development is designed for postdocs, those aiming to qualify to become professors, and junior professors. It focuses on the teaching skills that will be crucial for future professors when conducting (digital) teaching, learning and examinations. In addition, a tool is being developed that will help university bodies to recruit good teachers, e.g. in the appointments procedure. Since the realisation of digital teaching and learning scenarios demands intensive resources and supervision, e-tutors can be brought in to share teaching duties. To ensure they also gain the necessary task-specific skills, another focus is on an online module that ties in with the existing qualification programme for tutors.
At the same time, the project has also given rise to offerings that will be just as helpful outside the classroom as within it. Since 2024 all university members can communicate digitally quickly, simply and securely using Matrix. The university glossary on the Intranet has been revised and expanded to include French terms. It is now being used for AI-based translations. This means that forms, evaluation sheets or module guides, etc., can be provided in multiple languages.
So how long is the half-life of digital teaching concepts given the massive momentum in this field? “As part of the project at the University of Freiburg we have established an environment that makes it easier to respond spontaneously to unforeseen developments in the digital field,” emphasises Kny. For instance, the network of digitalisation ambassadors has been strengthened. This group of representatives from all the faculties arose back during the Covid pandemic. And its goal has been the same since the beginning: to create a space for an exchange between the faculties and university management, where new developments are discussed and the latest information is shared.
Until the project concludes at the end of 2025, the main aim now is to evaluate, revise and consolidate what has been achieved to date. “University members will benefit from the infrastructure and services that have been created during the project for a long time to come,” says Kny.