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University of Freiburg among Eight Best German Universities on Nature Index 2024 Neuroscience

Freiburg, 11/10/2024

The Nature Index 2024 Neuroscience supplement is out. It ranks the University of Freiburg as one of the leading 200 academic institutions. Freiburg comes in
at 103rd place internationally and eighth in German comparison.

The Nature Index 2024 Neuroscience is based on the Nature Index database and Digital Science’s Dimensions database and gauges the contribution of research institutions in the field of neuroscience on the basis of the contributions their researchers made to corresponding publications. The list includes the metrics ‘Share (2019–2023)’, ‘Count (2019–2023)’, and ‘Neuroscience (%)’. The ranking is based on the ‘Share’ score.

‘Count’: Number of articles to which University of Freiburg authors contributed

An institution receives a count of 1 for each neuroscience article to which at least one of its authors contributed. This is the case regardless of how many authors contributed to an article. The same article can therefore contribute to the count of several institutions. The University of Freiburg achieved a ‘Count’ score of 217.

‘Share’: Share that University of Freiburg authors contributed to articles

The ranking uses the ‘Share’ metric to determine the contribution an institution made to an article and to ensure that it is not counted more than once. This metric takes into account the share of authorship in each article. The total available share per article is 1 and is divided up among all authors. It is assumed that each author contributed equally. The total share for an institution is a result of the sum of the shares of the individual authors of an institution. The University of Freiburg’s ‘Share’ score is 61.86.

‘Neuroscience (%)’: Share of neuroscience articles relative to University of Freiburg publications

The ‘Neuroscience (%)’ metric specifies the share of neuroscience articles from an institution relative to its total publication output in the Nature Index catalogue. The University of Freiburg achieved a share of 13.0 % on this metric.


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