Alumni Prize for Social Involvement
The prize is endowed by the booster association Alumni Freiburg e.V.
Awarded annually
University of Freiburg prize-winners
2023 Elisabeth Reiter Self-help group for victims of domestic violence / ‘medical studies with a child’ group 2021 George Jogho, Alina Jäger and Alena Röhrig 2020 Covid aid of the student committee of the Faculty of Medicine 2019 Uni Freiburg Sustainability Office 2018 Refugee Law Clinic Freiburg Rock Your Life! Freiburg 2017 Philipp Müller ‘Duwa Lofunga’ scholarship Sharzad Mohammadi Bike Bridge project 2016 Giorgi Gelantia Cloud solution for fellow students Raphael Siepe Active support for ‘Kinderherzen retten’, an aid organization for children with heart defects. 2015 Students without Borders – Studieren ohne Grenzen Deutschland e.V. represented by Sarah Nitsche and Magdalena Graf 2014 Dunja Khoury 2013 The ‘Schlüsselmensch’ initiative Student committee at the Faculty of Medicine, for ‘Mit Sicherheit verliebt’ 2012 Nightline Freiburg e.V. |
- Sponsor
- Faculty
- Requirements
- Amount
- Frequency
- Conditions
- Deadline
- University of Freiburg prize-winners
University of Freiburg
- The prize is awarded in particular for initiatives in the following areas by students, doctoral candidates, and/or employees:
- Outstanding achievements in gender and diversity research,
- Teaching concepts and seminar formats as well as training and continuing education programmes that integrate the aspect of equity and diversity comprehensively and raise awareness of the topic,
- Networking initiatives, organization of events or exhibitions on gender and diversity issues,
- structural measures on equity and diversity, e.g., recruiting and human resources development measures for increasing the proportion of females at levels of qualification at which they are currently underrepresented, or innovative measures for improving living, studying, and working conditions at the University for the purpose of equity and diversity.
€ 5,000
The call for nominations is generally issued each year in the spring. Nominations and applications should be addressed to the Office of the Permanent Senate Commission on Equal Opportunity. The conditions for nominations and all necessary documents are published in sufficient time on the website of the Department of Equity, Diversity, and Academic Personnel Development.
see current call for nominations
University of Freiburg prize-winners
2023 Hannah M. Micklitz & Paula Hartleitner Gender-sensitive psychotherapy – development and implementation of a seminar DETECT project DETECT– for a discrimination-free medical education 2022 Lisa Okroi ‘Queere Geschichte*n Freiburg – ein Audioguide que(e)r durch die Stadt’ (Queer history in Freiburg – an audio guide through the city) Feminist theories working group 2021 Dr. Marion Mangelsdorf for her many years of commitment to gender studies at the University of Freiburg, her services in helping to establish the Centre for Anthropology and Gender Studies (ZAG), and her wide-ranging, innovative influence on research, teaching, and transfer. Maria-Xenia Hardt ‘Female Leadership’ course 2020 Dr. Maria Asplund „A ‚factfulness‘ mindset to promote gender equality” 2019 Theatergruppe maniACTs – The English Department Drama Group „PUSSY POWER. a full cycle of feminism“ Prof. Dr. Weertje Willms „Genderaspekte in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur“ (Gender aspects in children’s and youth literature) 2018 Evghenia Goltsev „Fehlerarten und ihre Frequenzen. Wahrnehmung, Bewertung und Verständlichkeit. Studie zum DaZ-Erwerb“ (Types of mistakes and their frequencies: Perception, assessment, and comprehensibility. A study on German as a second language acquisition) Prof. Dr. Tim Krieger and Laura Renner „Polygyny and Conflict“ 2017 Andrea Althaus „Weibliche Arbeitsmigration aus Deutschland und Österreich in die Schweiz (1920–1965)“ (Female labour migration from Germany and Austria to Switzerland [1920–1965]) Rebekka Blum und Emanuel Löffler „Frauen* und Frauenbilder in der extremen Rechten“ (Women and the image of women in the extreme right) Dr. Ryan Plumley „An Intellectual History of Feminist Thought. A Platform for Gender Studies in Liberal Arts and Sciences“ Annika Spahn „Subversion oder Assimilation? Trans* und Schwangerschaft in einer heteronormativen Gesellschaft“ (Subversion or assimilation? Transgender people and pregnancy in a heteronormative society) 2015/2016 Not awarded 2014 Kristian Gäckle and Jenny Schnaller Student initiative: ‘Multiplikator_innenprogramm Gender Training’ (Disseminator programme on gender training) Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wallrabe, Department of Microsystems Engineering ‘Commitment to the promotion of women in engineering’ 2013 Freiburger Institut für Paläowissenschaftliche Studien e.V. Book project: ‘Lebenswelten von Frauen und Kindern in der Vormoderne – Archäologische und anthropologische Forschungen in memoriam Brigitte Lohrke’ (Lifeworlds of women and children in the pre-modern era – archaeological and anthropological research in memory of Brigitte Lohrke) 2012 Gender working group of the Graduate School of Cultural and Social Sciences 2011 Prof. Dr. Heike L. Pahl, Maike Busson-Spielberger, M.A. Initiation and implementation of the faculty-wide EIRA mentoring programme at the Faculty of Medicine 2010 Prof. Bernd Fitzenberger, Ph.D., Dirk Antonczyk, Katrin Sommerfeld Study „Rising Wage Inequality, the Decline of Collective Bargaining, and the Gender Wage Gap” 2009 Prof. Dr. Siegfried Lewark ‘Many years of commitment to gender research in forest and environmental science’ 2008 Franziska Bergmann, Jennifer Moos, Claudia Münzing Academic project: ‘queere (t)ex(t)perimente’ (Queer [text] experiments) Special prize: Christoph Litz, Ursula Zeller Programming, processing, and publication of extensive gender- and diversity-sensitive statistics 2007 Elisabeth Irene Ahner Master’s thesis: ‘Schädeldarstellungen der Renaissance in Italien – Ein Miniaturschädel als historisch-anthroplologische Quelle’ (Skull representations of the Renaissance in Italy – a miniature skull as a historical-anthropological source) Faculty of Biology Foundation of the ‘Biolino’ day care centre 2006 Eva Voß Master’s thesis: ‘Der United Nations Development Fund for Women und sein spezifisches Verständnis von Gender Mainstreaming’ (The United Nations Development Fund for Women and its specific understanding of gender mainstreaming) 2005 Tamara Bechthold Dissertation within the project ‘Model order reduction of electro-thermal MEMS’ 2004 Astrid Sutor Dissertation about introduced animal species in Germany and conception for further research 2003 Dr. Marion Freund Dissertation: ‘Schriftstellerinnen und die Revolution von 1848/49’ (Female writers and the Revolution of 1848/49) Johanna Kemper, Lena Kühnbach, Katharina Mangold Project „Justitia-Mentoring“ 2002 Prof. Dr. Britta Schinzel, on behalf of Department I ‘Modelling and Social Consequences’ of the Institute of Computer Science and Social Studies, for the projects: – Organization of the second ‘Informatica feminale Baden-Württemberg’ at the University of Freiburg – Research project on ‘Study situation of female and male computer science students in comparison’ – Research project on ‘New career potentials for women in software development’ and on ‘Professionalization of computer science (PROFI)’ 2001 Stephan Neumann and Andrea Zimmermann, Student Committee of the Faculty of Theology Autonomous seminar on ‘Feminist theology’ 2000 Prof. Dr. Klaus-Werner Benz, on behalf of the Institute of Crystallography for the projects: – Preparatory information event for 12th– and 13th-grade school students – Info week: Women in natural sciences and engineering 1999 Prof. Dr. Renate Zoepffel, Dr. Marieluise Deissmann-Merten, Gudrun Gehrke Foundation of the University day care centre UniKita Freiburg Prof. Dr. Brigitte A. Volk-Zeiher Foundation of the day care centre at the University Medical Centre (KiK) 1998 Dr. Gisela Schoenthal (postum) – Pioneering research (feminist linguistics) as well as the political and practical implementation of her convictions – Co-initiator of the University’s first plan for the promotion of women and the first lecture series devoted to women’s issues (‘Frauen in Beruf und Wissenschaften’) 1997 Dr. Franziska Schössler, Meike Penkwitt, Dörthe Lütjohann Initiative: Freiburger Frauenforschung (Freiburg women’s research) Dr. Rotraud von Kulessa Magazine: ‘Freiburger FrauenStudien’ (Freiburg women’s studies) |
DAAD Prize for Outstanding Achievements of International Students at German Universities
The University of Freiburg has received funding to award the DAAD Prize again this year and is advertising it for students of all faculties.
The intention of the prize is to honour international students who are completing their degree in Germany and have distinguished themselves through exceptional academic achievements and remarkable social or intercultural involvement. As far as possible, candidates should be completing graduate-level studies or a master’s degree programme. However, recent graduates and doctoral candidates may also be nominated.
Please submit the following documents to Ms Katharina Aly at the International Office:
- Covering letter from the nominator including the reasons for the nomination – certificate of matriculation – the candidate’s curriculum vitae
- Evidence of social involvement (e.g., certificate of volunteer work)
- Certified list of academic achievements
University of Freiburg prize-winners
2019: Teodora Stojanovic
2018: Osama Makansi
2014: Natalia Rodríguez Martín
2013: Cameron Dron
2012: Elisa Morsicani
2011: Melani Pelaez
2010: Maryna Markova
2009: Leonora Pires da Silveira e Lorena
2008: Izak Johannes Bisschoff
2007: Andrea Sebastiano Staiti
2006: Maria del Sol Orozco Gaitan
2005: Wiolettas Bosowska
2004: Suliman Boulos
2003: Chunling Dai
2002: Magdalena Adamczyk
Erasmus Prize for the Liberal Arts and Sciences
Sparkasse Freiburg Nördlicher Breisgau e.V.
alle, other universities
The prize is awarded for research papers that contribute to methodological and theoretical exchange across disciplinary boundaries and whose topic is also treated from a history of science and/or epistemological perspective in a particularly exemplary manner.
The prize underscores the epistemological focus of the Liberal Arts and Sciences bachelor’s degree programme at University College Freiburg (UCF).
– for bachelor’s and master’s theses
– for doctoral dissertations and postdoctoral theses
€5,000 in total
Candidates may be nominated by University of Freiburg professors.
If you have further questions, please contact University College Freiburg.
Telephone: +49 761 203-4435
1 February 2025
University of Freiburg prize-winners
Solveig Degen and Dr. Stefan Conrad
Solveig Degen:
(Re)Politicizing Climate Change Discourses: Towards a Radical Democratic Epistemology for Transformative Environmental Politics (bachelor’s thesis)
Dr. Stefan Conrad:
„3D-gedruckte Aktuatoren und Material-eingebettete Logik für die Anwendung in der pneumatischen Softrobotik“ (3D-printed actuators and material-embedded logic for use in pneumatic soft robotics) (doctoral dissertation, Cluster of Excellence ‘Living, Adaptive, and Energy-Autonomous Materials Systems [liv-MatS]’)
Sophia Hiss and Dr. Lisa Reuter
Sophia Hiss:
Neue Perspektiven auf den Bürgerkrieg in Syrien: Umwelt, Klimawandel und die Entstehung des Konflikts (New perspectives on the civil war in Syria: Environment, climate change, and the origin of the conflict) (bachelor’s thesis, Islamic studies)
Dr. Lisa Reuter:
Bridging Over the Troubled Waters of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods: Exploring Cognitive-Affective Maps in Empirical Research (doctoral dissertation, psychology, Cluster of Excellence ‘Living, Adaptive, and Energy-Autonomous Materials Systems [liv-MatS]’)
Ines Schröder and Vera Marstaller
Ines Schröder:
Final thesis in the teacher education programme for university-track secondary schools in the field of philosophy/ethics: Vertrauen in die Black Box. Eine Untersuchung des Problemhorizonts der Black Box im Kontext der Debatte über Vertrauen in Künstliche Intelligenz (Trusting in the black box: A study of the problem horizon of the black box in the context of the debate on trust in artificial intelligence)
Vera Marstaller:
Doctoral dissertation: Heldengesten. Kriegsfotografie und Nationalsozialismus (1939–1945) (Heroic gestures: War photography and National Socialism [1939–1945])
Rike Sinder
Doctoral dissertation: Die Systematisierung des islamischen Rechts. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte teleologischen Naturrechtsdenkens (The systematization of Islamic law: A contribution to the history of the teleological natural law thinking)
Jeremy Fon Sing
Bachelor’s thesis: Nuclear Radiation Detector, Robot Design and Its Social Impact
Sergio Götte
Doctoral dissertation: On the Subject of Death Determination in the Bioethical Debate
Lena Kulla
Azeptanz oder Ablehnung von Prothesen – welche alltäglichen Gegebenheiten beeinflussen die Nutzung einer Gliedmaßenprothese (Acceptance or rejection of prostheses: What everyday conditions influence the use of a limb prosthesis?)
Dr. Alex Giurca
Doctoral dissertation: Analyse des Konzepts der forstbasierten Bioökonomie (Analysis of the concept of forest-based bioeconomy)
Roosje van der Kamp
A Modern Disease: A Philosophical Inquiry into Kierkegaard’s Concept of Depression and the Age of Reflection
Felisa Mesuere
Playing with Morals – Gender Ambiguity in Monteverdi’s Oper L’Orfeo
Matthias Leanza
Die Zeit der Prävention. Eine Genealogie der Krankheitsvorbeugung (The age of prevention: A genealogy of disease prevention)
Dr. Cristina Espinosa
Apart from Nature or a Part of Nature? Discourse Analyses of the Politics of Redefining the Relationship between Humans and Nature.
Dr. Susanne Gundermann
Doctoral dissertation: English-Medium Instruction: Modelling the Role of the Native Speaker in a Lingua Franca Context
Martin Brösamle
Doctoral dissertation: Sketches of Wayfinding Design – Empirical Studies of Architectural Design Processes.
Michael Schonhardt
Master’s thesis: Ortus ventorum sunt comfi phylosophorum. Untersuchungen zum Umgang mit Wissen im Prämonstratenserstift Arnstein an der Lahn im frühen 13. Jahrhundert (Studies on dealing with knowledge in the Premonstratensian monastery Arnstein an der Lahn in the early 13th century)
Freiburg-Penn State Virtual Classroom Award
University of Freiburg and Pennsylvania State University
€10,000 at the University of Freiburg and $12,000 at Penn State University
Preisträger*innen der Universität Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein, Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Prof. Dr. Andrew Straw, Faculty of Biology
”Bringing International Experts in Pest and Pollinator Management to the Classroom”
Prof. Dr. Anke Weidlich, Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH)
“Solar Energy Integration and Economics”
Hugo Friedrich and Erich Köhler-Preis
- Sponsor
- Faculty
- Requirement
- Amount
- Frequency
- Conditions
- Deadline
- University of Freiburg prize-winners
University of Freiburg
Faculty of Philology
This prize recognizes outstanding research papers in the field of Romance literary studies.
Scholarly monographs (but not doctoral dissertations) from the field of Romance literary studies published since 1 January 2019 are eligible for the award.
€ 5,000
Every three years
The following individuals may nominate:
– professors of Romance literature at German universities
– professors of Romance literature at the Universities of Basel, Strasbourg, and Mulhouse
Self-nominations are not accepted.
Please include a letter of recommendation as well as the candidate’s curriculum vitae together with a list of their publications. Only when a candidate has been put on the shortlist will we permit ourselves to approach the nominator with a request to submit the nominated monograph.
To be announced
University of Freiburg prize-winners
Prof. Dr. Jenny Haase
„Vitale Mystik. Formen und Rezeptionen mystischen Schreibens in der Lyrik von Anna de Noailles, Ernestina de Champourcin und Antonia Pozzi“ (Vital mysticism: Forms and reception of mystic writing in the poetry of Anna de Noailles, Ernestina de Champourcin, and Antonia Pozzi)
PD Dr. Dagmar Stöferle
„Ehe als Nationalfiktion. Dargestelltes Recht im Roman der Moderne“ (Marriage as a national fiction: Represented law in the modern novel)
PD Dr. Niklas Bender
„Die lachende Kunst. Der Beitrag des Komischen zur klassischen Moderne“ (Laughing art: The contribution of the comical to classical modernism)
Prof. Dr. Robert Fajen
“Die Verwandlung der Stadt. Venedig und die Literatur im
18. Jahrhundert” (The metamorphosis of the city: Venice and the literature of the 18th century)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Dünne
„Die kartographische Imagination. Erinnern, Erzählen und Fingieren in der Frühen Neuzeit“ (The cartographical imagination: Remembering, narrating, and faking in the early modern period)
Dr. Kai Nonnenmacher
“Das schwarze Licht der Moderne. Zur Ästhetikgeschichte der Blindheit” (The black light of modernism: On the aesthetic history of blindness)
Instructional Development Award (IDA)
- Sponsor
- Faculty
- Requirement
- Amount
- Frequency
- Conditions
- Deadline
- University of Freiburg prize-winners
University of Freiburg
Up to three projects on the further development of degree programmes and course offerings at the University of Freiburg are eligible for funding each year.
Up to €70,000
University of Freiburg prize-winners
Prof. Dr. Albert Gollhofer und Dr. Flavio Bessi, Institute of Sports Science and Physical Education
Prof. Dr. Boris Paal, Institute of Media and Information Law
Prof. Dr. Birgit Esser, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Bartsch and Dr. Janina Kirsch, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Biology
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schmidt, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Harms and Prof. Dr. Frank Hutter, Institute of Mathematics and Department of Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Martina Backes and Prof. Dr. Weertje Willms
Department of German
Prof. Dr. Ute Spiekerkötter, Prof. Dr. Andrea Heinzmann and Dr. Sebastian Bode
Department of General Pediatrics, Adolescent Medicine, and Neonatology
Dr. Julia Asbrand and Prof. Dr. Brunna Tuschen-Caffier
Institute of Psychology / Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Prof. Dr. Klaus Baumann and Prof. Dr. Jörg Lindenmeier
Faculty of Theology / Catholic Welfare Studies and Christian Social Work and Faculty of Economic and Behavioural Sciences / Public and Non-Profit Management
Prof. Dr. Dieter Ebert, PD Dr. Swantje Matthies und Dr. Peter Goll
Faculty of Medicine / Center for Mental Health / Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Prof. Dr. Roland Hefendehl
Institute of Criminology & Business Law
Prof. Dr. Bernd Kortmann, Katja Roller und Marten Juskan
Department of English
Prof. Dr. Barbara Koch, Dr. Helmut Saurer, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Brather
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Remote Sensing and Landscape Information Systems and Department of Physical Geography, as well as Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology
Prof. Dr. Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz, Institute of Economic Research, Department of Quantitative Financial Market Research, and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schmidt, Institute of Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Stochastics
Prof. Dr. Alexander Renkl, Tino Endres and Jasmin Leber, Institute of Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology and Developmental Psychology
Prof. Dr. Gerhild Becker and Bettina Couné, Department of Palliative Care
Prof. Dr. Bernd Becker, Dr. Tobias Schubert and Katrin Weber, Department of Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Glaser, Dr. Anna Chatel and Monika Nethe, Institute of Environmental Social Sciences and Geography
Prof. Dr. Stephan Lengsfeld, Institute of Finance, Accountancy, and Controlling
Prof. Dr. Friederike Lang, Dr. Helmer Schack-Kirchner, both Chair of Soil Ecology, and Prof. Dr. Albert Reif, Chair of Silviculture, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Institute of Biology II, and Dr. Nicole Wöhrle, E-Learning Service Centre
Prof. Dr. Gregor Dobler, Department of Ethnology
Prof. Dr. Boris Paal, Institute of Media and Information Law
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kessler, Chair of Business Taxation
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein and Dr. Björn Spittau, Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Prof. Dr. Anna Schreurs-Morét, Prof. Dr. Hans Hubert, Department of Art History, and Prof. Bent Gebert, German Studies, University of Konstanz
Dr. Dominic Gehring, Dr. Katrin Röttger, Dr. Gabriela Reuss
and Prof. Dr. Albert Gollhofer, Institute of Sports Science
Prof. Dr. Bernd Becker, Chair of Computer Architecture
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Fink, Institute of Forest Botany and Tree Physiology, and Prof. Dr. Matthias Nückles, Department of Educational Science
Prof. Dr. Katharina von Koppenfels-Spies, Social Law
Prof. Dr. Petra Ratka-Krüger, Department of Dental Medicine / Periodontology
Prof. Dr. Stefan Rotter und
Dr. Janina Kirsch, Bernstein Center
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schneider, Chair of Communication Systems
Prof. Dr. Birgit Studt, Department of History
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Friedrich, Prof. Dr. Thomas Kenkmann, Prof. Dr. Michael Müller,
Academic Deans of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Fink, Institute of Forest Botany and Tree Physiology, and Prof. Dr. Matthias Nückles, Department of Educational Science
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck,
Department of English
Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Hofmann, Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, and Dr. Götz Fabry, Department of Medical Psychology
Project Competition: Innovative Studies
The University of Freiburg has awarded the Student Proposal Budget (Studierendenvorschlagsbudget – SVB) each year since the financial year 2016. The SVB is University quality assurance funding for studies and teaching awarded on the basis of student proposals. €400,000 of the funds are reserved for the Innovation and Investment Fund Project Competition.
More information
Special Prize for Outstanding Student Involvement
- Sponsor
- Faculties
- Requirements
- Amount
- Frequency
- Deadline
- Conditions
- University of Freiburg prize-winners
University of Freiburg
The prize is awarded for outstanding student involvement. It recognizes the nomination for the Special Prize for Outstanding Student Involvement of the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts at the university level.
again in 2021
University of Freiburg prize-winners
Lukas Oettle
Annika Günther, Elena Jentsch, Rahel Meinhof, Kolja Schulze-Rohr and Finn Schwarz
Tobias Becker, Isabel Gana Dresen and Gynna Lüschow
Andreas Hanka
Alexandra Haag
Faculty of Medicine
Not awarded
Timm Brennemann, on behalf of the student group ‘Offene Fachschaft Medizin e.V.’, Faculty of Medicine
Philipp Gassner and Mark Heuer
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
Jakob Meyer and Markus Michael Obmann
Medical Center – University of Freiburg
Pablo Rodrigo Grassi
Faculty of Biology
Bleta Arifi, Luis Alfonso Bustillo, Andrea Braun, Torben Flörkemeier, Janina Heim, Melanie Pelaez & Olga Weigel
Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences
University Teaching Award
- Sponsor
- Faculty
- Requirement
- Amount
- Frequency
- Conditions
- Deadline
- University of Freiburg prize-winners
University of Freiburg
The prize is awarded for:
- outstanding courses
- many years of recognized teaching at a high level as regards both content and methodology (as demonstrated by evaluation)
- innovative teaching concepts
€10,000 (in total)
3 June 2024
University of Freiburg prize-winners
Dr. Susanne Knies
Institute of Mathematics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Dr. Jakob Schemmel. LL.M. (NYU)
Institute of Political Science and Philosophy of Law, Department 1 (Political Science) at the Faculty of Law
Dr. Kathrin Drozella
Institute of Forest Sciences at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
Prof. Dr. Thomas Filk, Andreas Woitzik and Clara Fuchs
Institute of Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Anna Immerz, M.A.
Freiburg Institute of Music Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Freiburg University of Music
Christian Burkhart, M.A.
Department of Educational Science at the Faculty of Economic and Behavioural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Horst Fischer
Institute of Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Julia Gurol, M.A. and Ingo Henneberg, M.A.
Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Humanities
Prof. Dr. Michael Müller, Dr. Stefanie Houwaart and Dr. Dominik Baltes
Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Dr. Sarah May
Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology at the Faculty of Humanities
Dr. Götz Fabry and Dipl.-Päd. Ariane Zeuner Bereich für Medizinische Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology at the Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Tim Krieger
Institute of Economics, Wilfried Guth Endowed Chair for Regulation and Competition Policy
Faculty of Economics and Behavioural Sciences
Dr. Anna Rosen
Department of English
Faculty of Philology
Not awarded
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Herschbach and Dr. Tim Burzlaff
Institute of Forest Sciences
Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences
Prof. Dr. Stephan Lengsfeld
Institute of Finance, Accountancy, and Controlling
Faculty of Economics and Behavioural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Weertje Willms
Department of German – Modern German Literature
Faculty of Philology
Dr. med. Sebastian Bode
Center for Pediatrics, Medical Center – University of Freiburg
Dr. Hubert Fehr
Prehistoric and Early Historic Archaeology
Faculty of Humanities
Lisa Hüther-Pape
Institute of Psychology
Faculty of Economics and Behavioural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Marcus Krüger
Center for Pediatrics, Medical Center – University of Freiburg
Dr. Stefan Seeber
Department of German, Faculty of Philology
Christine Straub M.A.
Center for Pediatrics, Medical Center – University of Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast
Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Dr. Bernd Becker
Faculty of Engineering
Dr. Jessika Nowak
Faculty of Humanities
Dr. Philipp Späth
Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences
Prof. Dr. Bernd Kenkmann
Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Earth Sciences
Dr. Flavio Bessi
Faculty of Economics and Behavioural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker
Faculty of Economics and Behavioural Sciences
Dr. Till Pistorius
Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences
Dr. Janina Kirsch
Faculty of Biology
Prof. Dr. Jan G. Korvink
Faculty of Engineering
Bent Gebert
Faculty of Philology
Prof. Hans-Helmut Kotz
Faculty of Economics and Behavioural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Yiannos Manoli
Faculty of Engineering
Dr. Martin Faber, Prof. Dr. Thilo Jakob und PD Dr. Marcel Müller
Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Otto Haller
Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Anna-Bettina Kaiser, LL.M.
Faculty of Law
Dr. rer. nat. Vitus Oberhauser
Faculty of Biology
Prof. Dr. Judith Schlehe
Faculty of Humanities
Prof. Bernd Fitzenberger, Ph.D.
Faculty of Economics and Behavioural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bauhus
Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences
Prof. Dr. Georg Bier
Faculty of Theology
Prof. Dr. Horst Fischer
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Sebastian Bode und Nienke Lynn Hansen
Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Eva Kimmich
Faculty of Philology
Dr. Dr. Michael Walter
Faculty of Humanities
University of Freiburg Prize for Excellent Doctoral Supervision
University of Freiburg
This prize recognizes dissertation supervisors for outstanding commitment, therefore also expressing the University’s appreciation for this special accomplishment.
Who can be nominated? All members of the University of Freiburg who are authorized to supervise dissertation projects (including supervision teams).
Who can nominate? All doctoral candidates of the University of Freiburg and recent recipients of doctoral degrees up to one year after completing the oral examination. Each nomination must be supported by at least two people.
Up to two prizes of €2,000 each
2 June 2023
University of Freiburg Administration Prize
University of Freiburg
All administrative, service, and technical employees of the University of Freiburg
The University of Freiburg wishes to recognize outstanding achievements in the area of administration, service, and technical services and is therefore offering the Administration Prize for the first time.
The purpose of this prize is to honour administrative, service, and technical employees who help make University administrative processes run smoothly and support research, teaching, and services through their outstanding work, their dedication, and their special commitment.
The administration prize is awarded in one of the following three categories:
- Process optimization / quality management
- Customer service
- Teamwork and cooperation
Who can be nominated? All University of Freiburg employees from the areas of administration, service, and technical services. It is possible to nominate individuals or teams in one or more categories.
Who can nominate? Nominations can be submitted by supervisors, colleagues, and students or teachers.
15 September 2024