Curriculum Vitae
Main areas of research
- Agroforestry
- Valuable wood production
- Terrestrial laser scanning
Since 2007 I have been intensively involved in the research of agroforestry systems, as I am deeply convinced that we could improve agricultural production in many ways with the help of agroforestry systems. As a founding member of the “European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF)“, the “International Union for Agroforestry (IUAF)“ and the “Deutscher Fachverband für Agroforstwirtschaft e.V. (DeFAF)“, I try not only to contribute to research into this land use system, but also to raise awareness of agroforestry at both national and international level and to convince interested parties of its many benefits.
Ongoing Projects
- OT: Potenziale von Agroforst- und Agri-PV-Systemen für die Maximierung von Humusaufbau und Kohlenstoffspeicherung auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen (HUMAX) (Potentials of agroforestry and agri-PV systems for maximizing humus build-up and carbon storage on agricultural land (HUMAX)) funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL; project no. 2822HUM010).
- OT: Integration von Habitatstrukturen in landwirtschaftlich genutzte Flächen zur Förderung von Bestäuberinsekten (INTEGRA) (Integration of habitat structures into agricultural land to promote pollinator insects (INTEGRA)) funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL; project no. 2819NA071).
- Developing and testing a framework for the design of harmonized, context-specific Monitoring, Reporting and Verification systems for soil Carbon and greenhouse gas balances by Agricultural activities (MARVIC) co-financed by the EU (Grant agreement Nr. 101112942)
- OT: Aufbau eines bundesweiten Modell- und Demonstrationsnetzwerks für Agroforstwirtschaft in Deutschland (MODEMA) Establishment of a nationwide model and demonstration network for agroforestry in Germany (MODEMA) financed by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL; project no. 2222NR061J).
Completed projects
- Agroforestry in Southern Africa – new Pathways of innovative land use systems under a changing climate (ASAP)
- Novel Pathways of Biomass Production: Assessing the Potential of Sida hermaphrodita and Valuable Timber Trees (SIDATIM)
- OT: Agro-Wertholz: Agroforstsysteme mit Mehrwert für Mensch und Umwelt (Agro-valuable-timeber: Agroforestry systems with added value for people and the environment)
- Maximizing Timber and Wood Production by Innovative Agroforestry Systems with Short Rotation Coppice as Intercrop (AgroCop)
- OT: Multifunktionale Bewertung von Agroforstsystemen (Multifunctional evaluation of agroforestry systems)
- OT: Agroforst – Neue Optionen für eine nachhaltige Landnutzung (Agroforestry – New options for sustainable land use)
- OT: ValWood – innovative nachhaltige Landnutzung (ValWood – innovative sustainable land use)