Selected Publications
- Language and ethnicity among the K’ichee’ Maya. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 176 pp, (2015).
- Ethnicity and Regional Stereotypes in Standard Ixhil (Ixil) Mayan. Language & Communication 61, 102-112 (2018).
- Los manuscritos en náhuatl centroamericano y la historia cultural de Guatemala. Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala XCII, 75-104 (2017)
- ‘Brujos’, mitos y modernidad en la historia oral k’iche’. Estudios de cultura maya 50, 249-270 (2017).
- ‘Bill Gates speaks K’iche’: The corporatization of linguistic revitalization in Guatemala. Language & Communication 47, 154-166 (2016).
FRIAS Project
On God, idols, and language: Latin, Spanish, Arabic, and the Christianization of the highland Maya
This project is an interdisciplinary study of the role language and translation played in the Christianization of the Highland Maya in the 16th century. Using linguistic, philological and ethnohistorical methods, I seek to understand the complex ways in which Mayan and European languages interacted, influenced each other, and shaped the emergence of Maya Christianity, and Christian ritual and theologies in the mid decades of the 16th century. From a comparative, cross-linguistic perspective I consider Maya and Spanish language ideologies, discourse genres, scholarly traditions, and the structural convergences and divergences between Mayan languages (Kaqchikel, K’iche’ and Q’eqchi’), Spanish, Latin and Arabic, the languages involved in this story.