Selected Publications
- Henrike Lähnemann and Ulrike Hascher-Burger: Liturgie und Reform im Kloster Medingen. Edition und Untersuchung des Propst-Handbuchs Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Lat. liturg. e. 18 (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation 76), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013. Table of contents
- Elizabeth Andersen and Henrike Lähnemann (eds.): Companion to Mysticism and Devotion in Northern Germany in the Late Middle Ages (Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition 44), Leiden 2013 (Introduction: Mysticism and Devotion in Northern Germany, pp. 1-19). View the Table of contents and read the introduction (pre-print version).
- Henrike Lähnemann: ›Hystoria Judith‹. Deutsche Judithdichtungen vom 12. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert (Scrinium Friburgense 20), Berlin/New York 2006.
- Henrike Lähnemann and Michael Rupp: Williram von Ebersberg: ›Expositio in Cantica Canticorum‹ und das ›Commentarium in Cantica Canticorum‹ Haimos von Auxerre, Berlin: de Gruyter 2004.
- Henrike Lähnemann and Sandra Linden (eds.): Dichtung und Didaxe. Lehrhaftes Sprechen in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, Berlin 2009, ed. by Henrike Lähnemann and Sandra Linden. Introduction ‘Was ist lehrhaftes Sprechen?’, p. 1-10. The full volume is accessible free of charge.
FRIAS Project
Internationalisation and Cooperation. Taking the Oxford – Freiburg connection further
The collaboration between medieval German studies in Freiburg and Oxford has traditionally been very close, ranging from defining new areas of study such as ‚Kulturtopographie des deutschen Südwestens’ (Palmer / Schiewer) to the annual meetings of the graduate community. This productive cooperation has been built into the descriptors for the Chair of Medieval German Literature and Language that had become vacant after Nigel F. Palmer’s retirement. The VW-Stiftung generously provides for a two-month fellowship each year for ten years for the Chair holder to work at the FRIAS and thus „offers a forum to discuss research projects in an interdisciplinary environment“. Topics of the stays in 2015 and 2016 included working on books as cultural objects with Evanghelia Stead; discussing the Reformation quincentenary under the headings singing, printing and translating at FRIAS; teaching and filming palaeography and codicology for the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MARS); working with the press office on the implications for academia of Brexit and of the impact agenda; and co-hosting the Graduate Conference in Medieval German Studies of the Universities Oxford, Freiburg, Fribourg and Geneva at the FRIAS. For 2017, these themes are to further developed, i.e. the collaboration with MARS on manuscripts will lead to an exhibition.