Selected Publications
- Reardon, Jenny; Lee, Sandra Soo-Jin; Goering, Sara; Fullerton, Stephanie M.; Cho, Mildred K., Panofsky, Aaron; Hammonds, Evelynn M. 2023. “Trustworthiness matters: Building equitable and ethical science.” Cell 186 (5), P894-898.
- Reardon, Jenny. 2020. “Why and How Bioethics Must Turn Towards Justice: A Modest Proposal.” Hastings Center Report 50(S1): S70-S76.
- Reardon, Jenny. 2017. The Postgenomic Condition: Ethics, Justice, Knowledge After the Genome (University of Chicago Press)..
- Reardon, Jenny with Kim Tallbear. 2012. “Your DNA is Our History”: Genomics, Anthropology, and the Construction of Whiteness as Property.” Current Anthropology 53 (S5).
- Reardon, Jenny. 2005. Race to the Finish: Identity and Governance in an Age of Genomics (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University).
FRIAS Project
A Genealogy of Expert Statements on ‘Race’ and Genetics: 1950 to the Present
Through archival research and analysis of secondary literature, this project seeks to understand the role that ‘expert’ statements about race and genetics/genomics have played in constituting the credibility of institutions of science and of politics in the second half of the 20th and the first half of the 21st century. It will use MAXQDA qualitative data analysis software to code the over 1000 letters contained in the UNESCO Statements on Race archive in Paris, as well as relevant plenary sessions of UNESCO, in order to track strategies social scientists, geneticists, and anthropologists used to establish their expertise, and to draw lines between “scientific” and “ideological” approaches to the study of human difference and ‘race.’ The project contributes to efforts to rethink and restructure the sciences—natural and social—in a manner that is cognizant of and responsive to the legacies of racism that have shaped them.