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Dr. Anne Holzmüller

University of Freiburg

Junior Fellow
October 2017 – July 2018


Last Update: 31.08.2018

Curriculum Vitae

Anne Holzmüller studied school music at the University of Music in Freiburg, piano at the Academia Musyczna in Cracow/Poland and German Language and Literature at Freiburg University. During her PhD she was a visiting fellow at Harvard University. Since 2012 she is Assistant Professor in Musicology at Freiburg University. She received her PhD in 2014 with an interdisciplinary study on language sound in nineteenth-century poetry and musical setting (Lyrik als Klangkunst, 2015) that was awarded the Gerhart-Baumann-Price for interdisciplinary literature studies.

Among her principal research interests are history of song, music and language theory, music aesthetics, eighteenth-century studies and the history of listening. Currently she is conducting a research project on ‚musical immersion‘ that is a part of the SFB 1015 ‚leisure’ in Freiburg. Her habilitation project investigates immersive modes of listening in late eighteenth-century culture.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project