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Prof. Dr. Monika Fludernik

Portrait of Fludernik

University of Freiburg
English literature and Narratology

Internal Senior Fellow
October 2019 – July 2020


Last Update: 31.08.2020

Curriculum Vitae

Monika Fludernik is Professor of English Literature at the University of Frei­burg/Germ­any. She is also the director of the graduate school Factual and Fictional Narration (GRK 1767). She studied English language and literature, Indo-European Philology, Mathematics and History in her home town, Graz (Austria) and in Oxford. Her PhD supervisor was Professor F. K. Stanzel. Her PhD thesis was submitted in 1982. She then moved to a position as assistant professor at the University of Vienna, where she specialized in American literature. Her habilitation was completed in 1992, following which she took up a Humboldt fellowship in Freiburg in the context of the SFB 321 (“Übergänge und Spannungsfelder zwischen Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit”). In 1994 she was appointed as professor at the University of Freiburg. Her major research interests include narratology, linguistic approaches to literature, especially metaphor studies, ‘Law and Literature,’ postcolonial studies and eighteenth-century aesthetics. Monika Fludernik was director of the SFB 541 (“Identitäten und Alteritäten” (2000-2003). She has been a fellow at the National Humanities Center at Research Triangle Park, NC, at All Souls College, Oxford, and the Institut d’Etudes Avancées in Paris. She is a member of the Academia Europaea and recipient of the Landesforschungspreis Baden-Württemberg as well as the Perkins Prize for the best book in narratology in 1997.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project