Selected Publications
- Anne-Laure Briatte-Peters, Citoyennes sous tutelle. Le mouvement féministe “radical” dans l’Allemagne wilhelmienne. Bern, Peter Lang, 2013, 461 S.
- L’Europe des femmes XVIII-XXIe siècles. Recueil pour une histoire du genre en VO. Sous la dir. de Fabrice Virgili et Julie Le Gac, avec Peggy Bette, Sonia Bledniak, Myriam Boussahba-Bravard, Anne-Laure Briatte, Véronique Garrigues, Louis-Pascal Jacquemond, Amandine Malivin, Dominique Picco, Yannick Ripa, Mélanie Traversier, Paris, Perrin, 2017.
- Zus. mit François Danckaert, Themenheft: Les femmes dans la vie politique allemande depuis 1945, in Allemagne d’aujourd’hui, 207 (2014).
- Zus. mit Kerstin Wolff, Themenheft: Über die Grenzen – wie Frauen(bewegungen) mit Grenzen umgehen, in Ariadne – Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, 57 (2010).
- Anne-Laure Briatte, « La contribution des intellectuelles féministes radicales à la transition politique en Allemagne (années 1890-1920) », in Alexandre Dupeyrix, Gérard Raulet (Hg..), Allemagne 1917-1923. Le difficile passage de l’Empire à la république, Paris, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme 2018 (Série « Philia »), S. 111-127.
FRIAS Project
The damages of military occupation through the lens of gender. The lives of mothers of “children of the occupation” in the French Zone of Occupation (1945-1955)
In the last few years, historian’s publications on the “children of war” (Kriegskinder) as well as on many forms of violence experienced by populations during and at the end of the Second World War aroused considerable interest in Germany and abroad. Current research on Allied occupation in Germany after 1945 has focused on the so called “children of the occupation”, a term which comprises the children born by German women who had been raped by Allied armies entering the Third Reich as well as the children born of consenting sexual relationships between German women and members of Allied occupation troops. This research project aims at shedding some light on the mothers of those “Besatzungskinder”, who are often said to have been blamed and marginalized, forced to support the family single handedly. It will investigate into the way the mothers of Besatzungskinder were regarded in the postwar German society, how they lived (or not) with their child, how they dealt with exclusion and stigmatization, whether they attempted to get a compensation, which involves that a damage can be acknowledged, and which place they have found in postwar Germany.