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Dr. Ghada H. Ibrahim

Electronics Research Institute, Giza, Egypt
Electronics and Engineering

Junior Fellow (Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow)
November 2016 – August 2018

Last Update: 31.08.2018

Curriculum Vitae

Ghada H. Ibrahim was awarded Bsc, Msc. and PHD from Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Electronics and Communications Department, 2000, 2005 and 2013 respectively. During this period, Ghada worked for R&D department, Bahgat group for MPEG decoder chip design, and then moved to Electronics Research Institute, Microelectronics department, where her research interests focused on RF circuit design for wireless sensor networks applications. Ghada joined MIMOS BHD, Malaysia from 2006 to 2008, where she contributed in the establishment of an RF team for the design of a WIMAX RF transceiver chip. She has more than 11 published papers in the field of RF circuit design. Her research interests spans RFIC design, printed electronics and MEMS design and microfabrication.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project