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Prof. Dr. Johannes Nicaise

Imperial College London

External Senior Fellow (Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow)
October 2017 – December 2017
April 2018


Last Update: 31.08.2018

Curriculum Vitae

Johannes Nicaise (born 1981) works on algebraic and non-archimedean geometry. He obtained his PhD in 2004 under the supervision of Jan Denef and Francois Loeser. He was Chargé de Recherche at the University of Lille (2005-2009), Assistant and Associate professor at the KU Leuven (2009-2015) and Reader at Imperial College London (2015-today), keeping a part-time position at the KU Leuven. Nicaise was awarded with a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (project MOTZETA 2013-2018) to work on the interactions between non-archimedean geometry, mirror symmetry and the theory of motivic zeta functions. Recent results of this project include a proof of Veys’s conjecture on poles of maximal order of Igusa zeta functions (joint work with Chenyang Xu), and a proof of the Davison-Meinhardt conjecture on motivic nearby fibers of weighted homogeneous polynomials (joint work with Sam Payne).

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project