Selected Publications
- (2024): „Liquid Conviviality in Chilean Documentary Film: Dynamics of Confluences and Counter/fluences“, Mecila Working Paper Series, No. 66, São Paulo: The Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America.
- (2023): „Reconfiguración espaciotemporal, corporalidad sonora y alzhéimer: Sobre la producción de cuerpos diversos en la adaptación cinematográfica de la historieta Arrugas de Paco Roca“. In: Berit Callsen / Philipp Seidel (eds.): Cuerpos diversos: Estéticas de diversidad corporal en España y América Latina en los siglos XX y XXI. Berlin: edition tranvia – Verlag Walter Frey, 201-215.
- (2022): „La transgresión ambivalente: corporalidad, sexualidad y violencia en Patricia de Souza“. In: Julio Enrique Checa Puerta / Alba Gómez García (eds.): Diversidad funcional en clave de género. Imágenes y prácticas en las artes escénicas, el cine y la literatura. Berlin: Peter Lang, 211-221.
- (2021): „Repensar el sujeto en redes transatlánticas: Alfonso Reyes, Miguel de Unamuno y Antonio Caso“. In: Mark Minnes / Natascha Rempel (eds.): Netzwerke – Werknetze. Transareale Perspektiven auf relationale Ästhetiken, Akteure und Medien (1910-1989). Hildesheim u.a.: Georg Olms (POINTE 20), 47-73.
FRIAS Project
“Watery Surroundings – Islandic Conditions: Active Waterscapes in Latin American Literature and Film”
This research project focuses on the staging of aquatic agency in recent Chilean, Argentinian and Brazilian literature and film, published between 2009 and 2023. Embedded in discourses from the Blue Humanities as well as from Material Ecocriticism and New Materialism, it aims at producing new insights into the construction of relations between water and humans as well as into the poetic implications of land-water-contacts. All films and poetries of the corpus focus on water as an active element in islandic conditions. Thus, a hypothesis is that aquatic agency as a storytelling force is shaped not only through multiple human/more-than-human entanglements but that it is also intrinsically linked to the literary and filmic modulation of the liminal space between water and land.