Selected Publications
- A.-J. Saiger, Domestic Courts and the Paris Agreement’s Climate Goals: The Need for a Comparative Approach, Transnational Environmental Law 9/1 (2020), S. 37–54 (Open Access), Impact Factor: 4,3
- A.-J. Saiger, Nationale Gerichte im Klimaschutzvölkerrecht. Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zum Pariser Übereinkommen, Baden-Baden 2022
- A.-J. Saiger, ‘Human Rights Are Not Against Society’: On Standing in Climate Change Litigation, EurUP 21/1 (2023), S. 39–48
- A.-J. Saiger, Sustainability as Procedure. A Lesson from International Climate Change Law, in: E. Lambert et al. (eds.), An evolving concept – multi-disciplinary perspectives on sustainability, Collection: Terra Environment and Sustainability (forthcoming)
YAS Project