Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a clover

Dr. Anne Hemkendreis

Portrait of Anne Hemkendreis

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Art History

Member of the Young Academy for Sustainability Research (YAS)
October 2024 – September 2027


Last Update: 08.11.2024

Curriculum Vitae

Anne Hemkendreis is an Academic researcher at the Graduate School 2132 “Documentary Practices: Excess and Privation” at Bochum University (Germany). Before that she worked as an Academic Researcher for the interdisciplinary project 948 “Heroes – Heroizations – Heroisms” at Freiburg University (Germany). Since 2024 she is a member of the YAS; the Young Academy for Sustainability Studies. Anne is also an Associate Senior Lecturer at the Humanities Research Centre of the Australian National University in Canberra and a member of the Young Academy of the Leopoldina and the BBAW.

Prior to this, Anne worked as a fellow at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg in Greifswald and as a Research Assistant at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg (both in Germany). Anne has taught at various universities, including the University of the Arts in Berlin, while performing on stage as an artist in physical theatre and circus arts.

Her doctoral thesis dealt with the visualisation of privacy and the public sphere (published 2016). In her current research, Anne focuses on the revival of romantic aesthetics on ecological contemporary art with a special emphasis on the Arctic. She also works on posthuman philosophy and develops new formats within the field of science communication.

Selected Publications

YAS Project