Selected Publications
- Himes, A., & Dues, K. (2024). Relational forestry: a call to expand the discipline’s institutional foundations. Ecosystems and People, 20(1), 2365236
- Himes, A., Muraca, B., Anderson, C., Athayde, S., Beery, T., Cantú-Fernández, M., González-Jiménez, D., Gould, R., Hejnowicz, A., Kenter, J., Lenzi, D., Murali, R., Pascual, U., Raymond, C., Ring, A., Russo, K., Samakov, A., Stålhammar, S., Thorén, H., Zent, E. (2024). Why nature matters: a systematic review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values. BioScience, 74 (1), 25-43.
- Himes, A., Bauhus, J., Adhikari, S., Barik, S. K., Brown, H., Brunner, A., Burton, P. J., Coll, L., D’Amato, A. W., Diaci, J., Dorji, Y., Foli, E. G., Ganz, D. J., Hall, J. S., Keenan, R., Lu, Y., Messier, C., Munanura, I., Piotto, D., Seifert, T., Shell, D., Shorohova, K., Sisay, K., Soto, D., Tanaka, H., Umunay, P., Velazquez-Martinez, A., Puettmann, K. J. (2023). Forestry in the Face of Global Change: Results of a Global Survey of Professionals. Current Forestry Reports 9 (6), 473-489. (
- Himes, A., Betts, M., Messier, C., & Seymour, R. (2022). Perspectives: Thirty years of triad forestry, a critical clarification of theory and recommendations for implementation and testing. Forest Ecology and Management, 510, 120103.
- Himes, A., Puettmann, K., & Muraca, B. (2020). Trade-offs between ecosystem services along gradients of tree species diversity and values. Ecosystem Services, 44, 101133.
FRIAS Project
Standards for social-ecological systems research in forests
This proposal is to develop frameworks for social-ecological systems (SES) research in forests that can provide a common basis for studies in different contexts to support synthesis across case-studies. We will leverage recent work by the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Values Assessment, developments in ecosystem service research, and expertise in silviculture and forest management to develop guidelines for integrating biophysical and social data at multiple spatial and temporal scales to model ecosystem service outcomes. These guidelines will contribute to developing common approaches for joint studies of forest and human community responses to management decisions and global change that are flexible enough to accommodate diverse ways of knowing and valuing forests and the ecosystem services they provide. In collaboration with
Prof. Jürgen Bauhus, other Future Forest researchers and FRESCO Fellows I can help develop guidelines for standardizing approaches to assessing ecosystem services and their diverse values using simulations and other methods. I can also help identify gaps in knowledge and the most pressing research questions to help set the agenda for forest SES research.