Selected Publications
- Schuetze, Benjamin (2024) ‘‘Seizing the Moment’: Arab-Israeli normalization, infrastructure as a means to bypass politics and the promotion of an Israeli-Jordanian transit trade route’, Geopolitics,
- Schuetze, Benjamin (2023) ‘Follow the grid, follow the violence: The project for a transregional Mediterranean electricity ring’, Middle East Critique, open access,
- Schuetze, B. & Hussein, H. (2023) ‘The geopolitical economy of an undermined energy transition: The case of Jordan’, Energy Policy, 180C, 113655, open access,
- Gurol, J., Jenss, A., Wetterich, C., Rodríguez, F. & Schuetze, B. (2023) ‘Authoritarian Power and Contestation beyond the State’, Globalizations; introduction to special issue, open access,
- Jenss, A. & Schuetze, B. (2023) ‘Prefiguring Politics: Transregional Energy Infrastructures as a lens for the Study of Authoritarian Practices’, Globalizations,
- Jenss, A. & Schuetze, B. (2021) ‘Rethinking Authoritarian Power: The Logistics Space and Authoritarian Practices in and between Secondary Port Cities of the Global South’, International Studies Quarterly, 65(1), pp. 82-94, open-access,
- Schuetze, Benjamin (2019) Promoting Democracy, Reinforcing Authoritarianism: US and European Policy in Jordan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press),
- Schuetze, Benjamin (2017) ‘Simulating, marketing, and playing war: US-Jordanian military collaboration and the politics of commercial security’, Security Dialogue, 48(5), pp. 431-450,
YAS Projects
- Transnational dimensions of energy transitions: Politics and Inequalities in and beyond Latin America and West Asia-North Africa, hybrid workshop at FRIAS, 2-3 June 2022 (with Thilo Wiertz (YAS), Alke Jenss (ABI) & Rosa Lehmann (HCIAS)).
- The geopolitical economy of an undermined energy transition: the case of Jordan, published in Energy Policy, 180, 113655 (with Hussam Hussein)
- Sustainability Partnership Freiburg-Amman-Tunis, application for a DAAD Ta’ziz Science Cooperation 2023-2025, currently under review (with Hussam Hussein and other collaboration partners)
- H2info: An Online Information Tool for the German Hydrogen Transition (with Severin Vierrath and Thilo Wiertz)
- Discourses and materialities of Jordanian climate change governance (with Hussam Hussein)
Other Projects & Third-Party Funding
- Emmy Noether Research Group ‘Renewable Energies, Renewed Authoritarianisms? The Political Economy of Solar Energy in the Middle East and North Africa’ (DFG, 2022-2028, 1.5 Mio. €, Principal Investigator (PI))
- ‘Promises of Democratic Connection? The Politics of Transregional Energy Infrastructure Expansion’ (Thyssen Foundation, 2022-2025, 275.000 €, Alke Jenss as PI)
- ‘Making Infrastructure Global? Design and Governance of Infrastructural Expansion in the Global South’ (EUCOR – The European Campus, 2020-2022, 35.000 €, with Alke Jenss, Kenny Cupers & Maren Larsen)