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Dr. Jesus Bohorquez

Portrait of Jesus Bohorquez

University of Lisbon
Global Economic History

External Junior Fellow
February 2021 – July 2021

Last Update: 31.08.2021

Curriculum Vitae

J. Bohorquez gained his PhD from the European University Institute in Florence.  He has been a postdoctoral researcher at the ICS-UL, and previously, he was a Weatherhead Initiative on Global History fellow at Harvard University. He is a global historian with an interest in social sciences, particularly the evolution of economic theory and the interplays between history and social theory. His research interests encompass the interrelations between global history and political economy. His research revolves around globalization and capitalism, state-and empire building in the Global South, slave trade from a global and comparative perspective, and the Enlightenment as a global intellectual movement. Basically, his research engages three main fields: political economy and institutional diversity, international trade and globalization, and law, economics and economic thinking.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project