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Dr. Maria Asplund

Portrait of Maria Asplund

University of Freiburg
Bioelectronic Microtechnology

Internal Senior Fellow
October 2021 – July 2022


Last Update: 31.08.2022

Curriculum Vitae

Maria Asplund is an expert in bioelectronics. Her research interests include flexible microtechnology, tissue-device interaction and electronic biomaterials. She completed her PhD at the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, 2009) and is, since 2011, head of her research group Bioelectronic Microtechnology at the Department of Microsystems Engineering, University of Freiburg in Germany. Her work has resulted in new technologies which contributes to smaller, more energy efficient and durable bioelectronics in the future. In her ERC Starting Grant (2017) SPEEDER she is developing a new bioelectronic concept for tissue engineering of skin. Furthermore, she holds a Guest Professorship at the University of Luleå (2019) and is a scientific editor of PLoS ONE.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project