Selected Publications
- Hasselbalch, Jacob A., Matthias Kranke and Ekaterina Chertkovskaya (2023) ‘Organizing for transformation: post-growth in International Political Economy’, Review of International Political Economy, 30(5): 1621–1638.
- Berten, John and Matthias Kranke (2022) ‘Anticipatory Global Governance: International Organisations and the Politics of the Future’, Global Society, 36(2): 155–169.
- Broome, André, Alexandra Homolar and Matthias Kranke (2018) ‘Bad science: International organizations and the indirect power of global benchmarking’, European Journal of International Relations, 24(3): 514–539.
- Kranke, Matthias (2022) ‘Exclusive expertise: the boundary work of international organizations’, Review of International Political Economy, 29(2): 453–476.
- Kranke, Matthias (2022) ‘Pathologies of a Different Kind: Dysfunctional Interactions between International Organizations’, Global Studies Quarterly, 2(1): ksab038.
- Kranke, Matthias (2022) ‘Tomorrow’s Debt, Today’s Duty: Debt Sustainability as Anticipatory Global Governance’, Global Society, 36(2): 223–239.
- Kranke, Matthias and David Yarrow (2019) ‘The Global Governance of Systemic Risk: How Measurement Practices Tame Macroprudential Politics’, New Political Economy, 24(6): 816–832.
YAS Projects
- Global Debates on Biological and Linguistic Diversity (with Javier Francisco)
- Transformative talk? The sustainability discourses of international organisations (with Thilo Wiertz)
- Post-growth in texbooks: a comparative study of Ecuador, Germany and Jordan (with Cristina Espinosa and Hussam Hussein)
- Graphic Novel on the Environmental Crises (with Lea Breitsprecher, Cristina Espinosa, Javier Francisco, Sarah May and Ida Wallin)
Other projects & third-party funding
- Research project, Andrea von Braun Foundation (05/2022–04/2023, €26,690): Co-Principal Investigator (with Laura Henn): ‘Growth vs. sustainability: The politics and psychology of a goal conflict in international organisations’
- Scientific Network, German Research Foundation (11/2021–10/2024, €43,470): Applicant and coordinator for 20 members plus 6 permanent associates: ‘The Global Politics of Post-Growth’ (#466076465)