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Dr. Patrick Flamm

Portrait of Patrick Flamm

Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
International Relations

Member of the Young Academy for Sustainability Research (YAS)
October 2024 – September 2027


Last Update: 08.11.2024

Curriculum Vitae

Patrick Flamm is a Senior Researcher in the Research Department ‘International Security’ at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), Germany. His research concerns the relationship between the environment, peace, and security in the age of the ‘Anthropocene’, with a particular focus on planetary commons such as Antarctica and Low Earth Orbit. Patrick is also a Research Fellow with the Earth System Governance Project, a Co-speaker of the working group on ‘Societal Resilience in the Earth System‘ within the Leibniz Research Network ‘Earth and Societies’, as well as a Co-speaker of the working group ‘Polar Politics’ within the German Society of Polar Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Polarforschung). Before joining PRIF in 2022, Patrick was Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) in Aotearoa New Zealand where he taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses on International Relations as well as environmental politics. From 2020-21, he was also academic director responsible for the ‘Master of International Relations’-degree at VUW. In 2018 Patrick received a Korea Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship to undertake a study about New Zealand-South Korean cooperation in Antarctic science, policy, and logistics. He holds a PhD in Asian Studies from the University of Auckland and a Diplom in Political Science from Goethe University Frankfurt.

Selected Publications

YAS Project