Selected Publications
- Heyen, Daniel, Thilo Wiertz, and Peter James Irvine. 2015. ‘Regional Disparities in SRM Impacts: The Challenge of Diverging Preferences’. Climatic Change 133 (4): 557–563. doi:10.1007/s10584-015-1526-8.
- Mattissek, Annika, and Thilo Wiertz. 2014. ‘Materialität Und Macht Im Spiegel Der Assemblage-Theorie: Erkundungen Am Beispiel Der Waldpolitik in Thailand’. Geographica Helvetica, no. 69: 157–169. doi:10.5194/gh-69-157-2014.
- Wiertz, Thilo. 2016a. ‘Visions of Climate Control: Solar Radiation Management in Climate Simulations’. Science, Technology & Human Values 41 (3): 438–460. doi:10.1177/0162243915606524.
- Wiertz, Thilo. 2016b. ‘Technology and Politics in the Anthropocene: Visions of “Solar Radiation Management”’. In Reframing Climate Change: Constructing Ecological Geopolitics, edited by Shannon O’Lear and Simon Dalby, 116–131. New York: Routledge.
- Wiertz, Thilo. 2020. ‘Biopolitics of Migration: An Assemblage Approach’. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 39 (7): 1375–1388. doi:10.1177/2399654420941854.
- Wiertz, Thilo, and Tobias Schopper. 2019. ‘Theoretische und methodische Perspektiven für eine Diskursforschung im digitalen Raum: Die Bundestagswahl 2017 auf Twitter’. Geographische Zeitschrift 107 (4): 254–281. doi:10.25162/gz-2019-0008.
- Wiertz, Thilo, and Tobias Schopper. 2022. ‘Geographien von Wahlkampf, Medien Und Gewalt: Extrem Rechte Bewegungen Aus Assemblagetheoretischer Perspektive’. Geographica Helvetica 77 (3): 345–356. doi:10.5194/gh-77-345-2022.
YAS Projects
- Political and Legal Discourses on Energy Security in Germany (with Rike Sinder)
- H2info: An Online Information Tool for the German Hydrogen Transition (with Severin Vierrath and Benjamin Schütze)
- Transnational dimensions of energy transitions: Politics and Inequalities in and beyond Latin America and West Asia-North Africa’, hybrid workshop at FRIAS, 2-3 June 2022 (with Benjamin Schütze (YAS), Alke Jenss (ABI) and Rosa Lehmann (HCIAS))
- Transformative talk? The sustainability discourses of international organisations (with Matthias Kranke)
- Transnational solar power networks (with Cristina Espinosa, Matthias Kranke and Benjamin Schütze)
Other projects & third-party funding
- Digital Geopolitics: Geopolitische Leitbilder der „Neuen Rechten“ in digitalen Medien(Digital Geopolitics: Geopolitical Imaginations of the Far Right in Digital Media), funded by the German Research Foundation, 2021–2024
- Political Geographies of the German Energy Transition (2022–)
- Political Geography at the Interface of Society, Nature & Technology: An Assemblage Theory Approach (Habilitation, 2021-2024)