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Dr. Tuan Leng Tay

Portrait of Tuan Leng Tay

University of Freiburg

Internal Junior Fellow
October 2019 – July 2020


Last Update: 31.08.2020

Curriculum Vitae

How does the brain develop and maintain itself throughout our lifespan? What are the possibilities for recovery and regeneration after acute, traumatic injuries? Dr Tuan Leng Tay investigates the role of glia in brain development and repair using various approaches including high-resolution microscopy and single-cell next-generation sequencing. She obtained her Bachelor and Master degrees for Biotechnology and Biology at the National University of Singapore and performed her PhD (2005-2010) in developmental neurobiology using the zebrafish model with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Driever. Her postdoctoral research at Columbia University in New York focused on the murine dopaminergic systems. From 2012-2018, she was an independent postdoctoral fellow at the University Medical Centre of Freiburg, where she focused on the brain immune cells, microglia, and their roles in restoring brain health. Since 2019 she is a Group Leader and also belongs to the Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools.

Dr Tay was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (Baden-Württemberg). She received the prestigious Helmut-Holzer Research Prize (2018) and is a Fellow of the inaugural Klaus Tschira Boost Fund (2019-2021). Dr Tay teaches Developmental Neurobiology at the Faculty of Biology since April 2017. She guest lectures for “Gender Equality in STEM” at the Faculty of Engineering starting in May 2019.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project