Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a clover

Former Programmes

Past FRIAS Funding Programmes

Since its founding, FRIAS has hosted, managed, and supported a variety of funding programmes. The programmes listed here have either already expired or are in their last funding round.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund Program (FCFP) 

FRIAS successfully applied twice for this European Union programme (2014–2024), which promotes the career development and international mobility of researchers as part of the Horizon 2020 framework programme.

Research Foci (Forschungsschwerpunkte)

The Research Focus Groups were funding programmes for scholars affiliated with the University of Freiburg. They focused on specific thematic areas, with several fellowships dedicated to each theme for a limited period of time.

EURIAS Fellowship Program

From 2010 to 2019, FRIAS was involved in the EURIAS Fellowship Programme, which offered international researchers scholarships for stays at European institutes. This initiative not only brought fellows to FRIAS, but also gave Freiburg scientists the opportunity to conduct research at renowned European institutes.

Joint Research Groups Freiburg/Strasbourg

From 2013 to 2019, this programme was a collaborative initiative between FRIAS and the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study (USIAS). It provided funding for research groups composed of academics from both universities, with some groups also including scholars from other institutions.

Freiburg-Penn State Collaboration Development Programme

The Collaboration Development Program, established in 2016, aimed to provide seed funding for the development of long-term initiatives that integrated faculty and junior researchers from both universities. The programme ran until 2020.

VolkswagenStiftung & Mellon Foundation Fellowships

The VolkswagenStiftung and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation previously offered a fellowship programme for postdoctoral researchers in the humanities. Designed for early-career scholars from the U.S. and Germany, the programme gave them the opportunity to spend an academic year at a research institution in the other country.

Joint Project Group FRIAS – Nagoya IAR

The programme was a joint initiative between FRIAS and the Institute for Advanced Research at Nagoya University. The institutes hosted high-level researchers from the University of Freiburg and Nagoya University, supporting up to two joint Project Groups for a duration of 24 months, starting in January 2016.