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Prof. Dr. Alice Blumenthal-Dramé

Portrait of Alice Blumenthal-Dramé

University of Freiburg

Internal Senior Fellow
Oktober 2021 – Juli 2022


Last Update: 31.08.2022

Curriculum Vitae

Alice Blumenthal-Dramé is a permanent lecturer for English Linguistics at the English Department of the University of Freiburg. She studied English Philology, Slavic Philology, Computational Linguistics and General Linguistics at the University of Manchester (UK), the Lomonosov University of Moscow (Russian Federation), and the University of Freiburg (Germany), where she received her PhD in 2011 and her Habilitation in 2019.

Her publications exploit behavioural and functional neuroimaging methods to explore the extent to which statistical generalisations across “big data” (notably, large-scale text corpora and databases derived from such corpora) have the potential to offer realistic insights into language users’ cognition. Major motivations behind this research have been: (1) to put to the test the cognitive reality of cognitive linguistic assumptions, and (2) to gain a better understanding of the size and nature of the cognitive building blocks that are utilised in natural language use.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project