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Prof. Dr. Birgit Hopfener

Portrait of Birgit Hopfener

Carleton University 
Art history, Contemporary art and theory in a global framework 

Guest Researcher
August 2024 – December 2024


Last Update: 08.11.2024

Curriculum Vitae

Birgit Hopfener is an art historian of contemporary art and theory in a global framework. She is an Associate Professor in the School for the Study of Art and Culture at Carleton University, cross-appointed with the Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture. 

Her criticality has been shaped at the disciplinary interstices of Euro-American and East Asian art history, image studies (Bildwissenschaft), cultural theory, and Sinology, through engagements with different languages (German, English and Chinese) and different academic systems in Canada, China, Germany and Switzerland.

In her research and teaching the question “what shapes contemporary art’s historicity in a global framework?” is the starting point to examine what multiple and transculturally entangled historiographies and epistemologies constitute art, and are operative through art’s various agents, institutions and concepts. In her current research she is particularly interested in how certain temporal assumptions (historiographical models and temporal regimes) generate and govern worlds, shape art, knowledges, subjects and disciplines respectively.

She authored the book Installationskunst in China. Transkulturelle Reflexionsräume einer Genealogie des Performativen(2013) and co-edited the volumes  Negotiating Difference: Chinese Contemporary Art in the Global Context (2012) and Situating Global Art. Topologies – Temporalities – Trajectories (2018). She serves on the editorial boards of Art Journal21: Inquiries, and the Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, andis a founding member of the international research groups Transnational and Transcultural Arts and Cultural Exchange (trACE) and Worlding Public Cultures.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project