Selected Publications
- Ecological Thought in German Literature and Culture, hg. v. Gabriele Dürbeck, Urte Stobbe, Hubert Zapf, Evi Zemanek (Ecocriticial Theory and Practice, Lexington Books), Lanham/MD 2017.
- Nachhaltigkeit interdisziplinär. Konzepte, Diskurse, Praktiken, hg. v. U. Kluwick u E. Zemanek, Köln u.a.: UTB-Studienbuch Böhlau/Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2019.
- Questionner les Humanités environnementales: regards Croisés France/Allemagne, hg. v. A. Choné, T. Freytag, P. Hamman u E. Zemanek, Sonderheft der Révue d’Allemagne (2020).
- Das Ozon als Pharmakon in Fontanes literarischen, epistolarischen und autobiografischen Werken. In: Urs Büttner/Ines Theilen (Hg.): Phänomene der Atmosphäre. Ein Kompendium. Stuttgart 2017, 379-394.
- An Entangled History of Environmental and Cultural Sustainability: Satirical Reflections on the German Forest and the German Oak as Resources of Cultural Energy. In: Cultural Dimensions of Sustainablity, hg. v. Gabriele Rippl u. Torsten Meireis, London 2018, 153-182. PDF (zus. m. Sophia Burgenmeister): Satirical Glimpses of the Cultural History of Vegetarianism.
- Environment & Society Portal, Virtual Exhibitions 2019, no. 5. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.
FRIAS Project
Ambivalent Ozone: Strategies of Resilience and Regeneration in Popular Media (1839–2019) – Towards a Cultural History of O3.
From the perspective of the Environmental Humanities, ozone exerts a special fascination rooted in its twofold ambiguity: As a stratospheric phenomenon, it protects humans in the form of the ozone layer from harmful UV radiation, but, as a strong oxidant, it can also cause harm to health. Since humans cause both its formation near the ground and its destruction in the stratosphere, ozone is perceived not only as a natural phenomenon but also as an anthropogenic problem. Ever since F. Schönbein discovered ozone in 1839, chemists and educated citizens alike have tried to understand its ambivalent effects. Since the last third of the 19th century, the invisible gas has provoked the imagination in pseudo-scientific, literary, and artistic fields popularized in mass media. The documents and sources discovered by Evi Zemanek demonstrate hope, and, even more so, fear; they (seriously and satirically) suggest cultural strategies of resilience in the face of a perceived threat. This project reacts to various impulses coming from different disciplines: the approach of a ‘cultural history of nature’ developed within cultural studies; the idea of ‘elemental media’ recently emerging in media studies; the new paradigm of ‘material ecocriticism’ flourishing in literary studies; and the concept of ‘material history’ or ‘substance stories’ as alternative narratives, which illuminate the meaning of substances in cultural, social and political discourse. Drawing on input from the history of science, environmental policy, and other fields of research, the project seeks dialogue with the environmental humanities and beyond.