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Prof. Dr. Hanétha Vété-Congolo

Bowdoin College
African studies, Caribbean studies, Black studies, Postcolonial studies, Gender, Women and Sexuality studies

External Senior Fellow (FRESCO Programme)
May 2024 – July 2024


Last Update: 08.11.2024

Curriculum Vitae

Hanétha Vété-Congolo is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures at Bowdoin College, Maine-USA, Chair of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, President emerita of the Caribbean Philosophical Association and Founder and Coordinator of Lyannaj des chercheurs guadeloupéens, guyanais et martiniquais aux États-Unis. She is a member of AI4A- Artificial Intelligence for Afrika, the Africa Academic Hub Initiative and affiliated to the Africana, the Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx and the Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies Programs of her institution. She is also Board member of Women in French and Membre d’Honneur of the Research Group on Black Latin America at the Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, France (CRESEM/GRENAL, Languages and identities).

Her scholarship focuses principally on Caribbean and (West/Central) African critical thought, philosophy, literature, culture, and orality and, on discourses by and about women of the Caribbean and, West and Central Africa. Vété-Congolo  is author of Nous sommes Martiniquaises. Pawòl en bouches de femmes châtaignes : Une pensée existentialiste noire sur la question des femmes (2020), L’interoralité caribéenne : le mot conté de l’identité (Vers un traité d’esthétique caribéenne) (1st ed. 2011. 2nd ed. 2016), and editor of Pensées et philosophies d’Afrique. Pour demain : voir, comprendre et penser l’Afrique d’aujourd’hui (with Hady Ba and Oumar Dia. Présence africaine 201, 2022), Penser le sujet femme noire francophone. Recherches féministes, vol. 34, N.2, 2022 (with Agnès Berthelot-Raffard), The Caribbean Oral Tradition (2016), Léon-Gontran Damas : Une Négritude entière (2015) and Le conte d’hier, aujourd’hui : Oralité et modernité (2014), MaComère : Journal of the Association of Caribbean Women Writers and Scholars (2004).

Among others, her articles have appeared in the C.L.R. James Journal: A Review of Caribbean IdeasJournal of French and Francophone PhilosophyJournal of Contemporary Thought, Journal of World Philosophies, Ethiopiques : Revue négro-africaine de littérature et de philosophie, The CLR. James JournalA Review of Caribbean IdeasJournal of Black Studies, Handbook of African Oral Traditions and Folklore, Wadabagai, A journal of the Caribbean Diaspora, Postcolonial Text, Présence francophone, Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal, Les Cahiers du GRELCEF, Women in French, Bloomsbury Handbook to Literature and Psychoanalysis.

Her poetry collections, Avoir et Être : Ce que j’Ai, ce que je Suis was published with Le chasseur Abstrait in 2009 and, Mon parler de Guinée in 2015 with L’Harmattan, coll. Poètes des cinq continents. Her unpublished collection of poetry Womb of a Woman was Shortlisted for the 2015 Small Axe Literary Competition.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project