Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a clover

Prof. Dr. Klaus J. Puettmann

Portrait of Klaus Puettmann

Oregon State University
Forest Ecology

External Fellow (FRESCO Programme)
June 2021 – December 2025


Last Update: 08.11.2024

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Klaus J. Puettmann is Edmund Hayes Professorship in Silviculture Alternatives in the Department of Ecosystems and Society at Oregon State University. He received his Diploma (Forstwissenschaften) Science) from the Albert-Ludwig University, Freiburg, Germany in 1986 and his Ph.D. (Silviculture, Forest Modeling) in 1990 from Oregon State University. He worked as a faculty member at the University of Minnesota from 1992 to 2000 and at OSU since 2001, with extended sabbatical visits as DFG Mercator Guest Professor at the University of Freiburg and Charles Bullard Fellow at Harvard University. His major interest is in silviculture and forest ecology. He has been working on projects related to regeneration and stand density management, with a special focus on utilizing a better understanding of ecological relationships in developing new silvicultural approaches in diverse structured forests. A recent emphasis includes an understanding how forests adapt to changing conditions and how we can manage to facilitate such adaptations. He collaborated with colleagues and students all over the world, has published 2 books and more than 100 referred publications, and reviewed proposals for 14 international funding agencies and manuscripts for 45 journals. He is an International Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry and an Elected Member of the Italian Academy of Forest Sciences.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project