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Prof. Dr. Patricia Faraldo Cabana

Portrait of Patricia Cabana

University of A Coruña
Criminal Law

External Senior Fellow
October 2021 – March 2022 (Marie S. Curie FCFP)
October 2015 – July 2016 (EURIAS Programme)


Last Update: 31.08.2022

Curriculum Vitae

Patricia Faraldo’s professional experience is extensive, as she has been a university lecturer in Criminal Law since 1996 and full professor of the same subject since 2010, having been one of the youngest women in Spain to achieve this position. Her extensive scientific production includes eleven single-authored monographs (one of them in English) and the editing of ten collective books, in addition to more than one hundred and fifty articles and2/4 book chapters, many published in leading international journals and foreign publishers. She leads a research team of thirty people, which has received continuous European, national and regional funding since she took the helm in 2009. This intense activity and the associated recognition has led to her appointment as a permanent member of the Spanish Codification Commission, criminal section, in 2018, the same year in which she was appointed president of Law at the Spanish National Research Agency. Internationally, she is involved in numerous research networks (including the European Society of Criminology Working Group on Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice), which have led to her appointment as Associate Professor at the School of Law at Queensland University of Technology, in Brisbane, Australia, as well as the award of the prestigious European Marie Curie Fellowship in 2014, and other two Marie Curie co-funded fellowships at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany, in 2016 and 2021.

Selected Publications

FRIAS Project