The library offers a wide range of publications in Chinese, English and German, which can be accessed via the University Library’s central catalogue. Further, the library also has a collection of Korean publications, which are not subject to the University Library’s central catalogue.
The institute library is a reference library, i.e. the books can be read on site or taken for a short time for copying after depositing an ID card.
Contact persons are exclusively academic staff and the secretariat of the institute.
The following rules apply when borrowing books:
The loan period is a maximum of 4 weeks and can only be extended in exceptional cases and after consultation with the staff of the institute.
For all borrowing procedures, including those carried out by employees of other chairs, please provide a personal e-mail address, as experience has shown that an institute address is not sufficient. It is also necessary to enter a telephone number so that you can be informed if the borrowed volume is urgently needed elsewhere.