Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a flower

Gifts and endowments

If you wish to show your solidarity with the University of Freiburg — maybe you even profited from a scholarship or research grant yourself and want to give something back — you can have a direct impact on the university’s future by establishing or contributing to an endowment or by making a donation. Or you can endow an award for outstanding achievement in a discipline that is important to you. In any case, you are welcome to join one of our three funding organizations!

Funding organizations of the University of Freiburg

Logo of Stiftungen der Universität.

Benefactors and endowments of the University of Freiburg

Our endowment pages provide an overview of the individual benefactors and endowments of the University of Freiburg, details on the university’s base endowment fund, contact information for the endowment administration, and complete instructions on how to establish an endowment.

Logo of Alumni Freiburg

Alumni Freiburg e.V.

The University of Freiburg founded Alumni Freiburg in order to enable former students to maintain academic and personal contact with their “old” university. Its name derives from the Latin “alumnus” and means “nursling, pupil.” The Alumni Office is the direct link to the alma mater for former students of all faculties, all nationalities, and all generations.

Logo of Freunde der Universität Freiburg im Breisgau e.V.

Friends of the University of Freiburg im Breisgau

The Friends of the University Association was founded in 1925 on the initiative of mathematics professor and former rector Lothar Heffter, a group of his colleagues, and dedicated representatives of the City of Freiburg and the region of Baden. The association still holds true to its original goal: to provide support and funding for the University of Freiburg in order to alleviate the economic plight of science and its protagonists.

Logo of Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft in Freiburg im Breisgau

The Academic Society of Freiburg im Breisgau

The Academic Society was founded in 1911 to support the construction of the new main building of the university (known today as KG I). Large-scale appeals for donations, considerable bequests, and the society’s yearly membership dues have led to the accumulation of an endowment which is used today to fund research in all disciplines. Funding focuses on grants for material resources, closed conferences, printing costs and lecture tours; in addition, the Academic Society awards the Helmut Holzer Prize and the Albert Bürklin Prize in annual rotation.

Partner Endowment of the University of Freiburg

Logo of Neue Universitätsstiftung Freiburg

Freiburg New University Endowment

Founded on the occasion of the university’s anniversary in 2007, the Freiburg New University Endowment is an independent funding association whose mission is to promote innovation in all disciplines in close cooperation with the university. It operates as an umbrella endowment under which it is possible to establish individual trust endowment funds. One group of donors and an individual benefactor have already opted for this path: the Alumni Endowment and the Dr. Wilhelm Eitel Endowment joined our endowment family in 2008.

Endowments Associated with the University of Freiburg

Logo of Ungethüm-Aesculap-Stiftung


The Ungethüm-Aesculap-Endowment aims to “promote science and research as well as education and training” by granting scholarships to young medical students from China. In this way, benefactor Professor Ungethüm hopes to familiarize the students with German operation techniques so that they can disseminate their knowledge in Chinese hospitals upon their return.

Logo of Bildungsstiftung Rhenania Freiburg

Rhenania Freiburg Educational Endowment

The Rhenania Freiburg Educational Endowment was founded in 2006 by members of the Rhenania student corps. According to its constitution, the corps is committed to seeing to it that its members fulfill the requirements of their studies and supporting them in their intellectual and moral development. For its founders, the endowment is a way to fulfill this commitment by making a personal contribution to promoting education and scholarship.