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Full Professorship (W3) for Art History (modern and contemporary art)

<2 weeks left
Research and Instruction

The Faculty of Humanities invites applications for a Full Professorship (W3) for Art History (modern and contemporary art) in the department of Art History.


This professorship is particularly suitable for highly qualified early career researchers.

The future holder of this professorship should represent the field of modern and contemporary art in research and teaching.
and be willing to participate in research centers and research networks of the faculty. Furthermore, the ability and willingness to participate in all study programs of the subject, in the supervision of doctoral students and in university self-administration.

An outstanding dissertation is required as well as a clear profile of a second research focus. One of the two focal points must be in the field of modern or contemporary art. Research strength with recognizable potential for internationally visible publications in renowned journals is also expected. An open relationship to approaches in visual studies (Bildwissenschaften) as well as to research and projects in the field of digital humanities is desirable.

In addition to the general employment requirements, professors must have a university degree, pedagogical aptitude and an outstanding doctorate. Academic achievements beyond the doctorate, which are usually demonstrated by a habilitation, are expected (§ 47 Landeshochschulgesetz (LHG).

Prerequisites for the employment of Professors are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record. Substantial achievements and experience in academic research and teaching, at the level of a Habilitation according to the German academic system, are expected.

The following application documents are to be submitted:


The salary will be determined in accordance with W3..

We will be particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.

The university supports individuals appointed to professorial positions through a Dual Career Service and a Family Service.


Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form citing the reference number 00003905, by 17. October 2024 at the latest. Please send your application to the following address in written or electronic form:

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Dekanat der Philosophischen Fakultät
Prof. Dr. Alexander Heising
Werthmannstraße 8
79098 Freiburg


For further information, please contact Bettina Ragen on the phone number +49 761 203-3371 or E-Mail
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Code for Practice for professorial appointments (in German).