Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a flower

New e-mail addresses for students and doctoral students

Freiburg, 04.02.2025

Starting this summer semester (2025), all students and enrolled doctoral candidates at the University of Freiburg will be required to use a University email address for student matters. The activation of the UniMailboxes already began at the beginning of the winter semester and should be completed by 15 February 2025.

A graphic showing an mail envelope
Image: NicoElNino –

Starting this summer semester (2025), all students and doctoral candidates enrolled at the University of Freiburg will be required to use a University email address for all study-related communication.

This measure is a component of updating identity management, improving IT security and data protection. As mandatory use goes hand in hand with a significant increase in the number of e-mail addresses, a strategic cooperation was entered into with the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG), which offers e-mail services for scientific institutions in the DFN Association’s research network.

The new UniMailbox follows the pattern: (e.g. In addition, an alias in the form [first name].[last name] will be set up. The use of private email addresses for study-related purposes will no longer be permitted. Important notifications from central systems such as HISinOne or the ILIAS learning platform will be sent exclusively to the UniMailbox. Please also use this for enquiries to the Dean of Studies, the Examination Office or teaching staff.


This change does not affect doctoral students who are already employed, doctoral students registered before 2018 who already use their institute’s email domain, or FACE students with an email address from the Freiburg University of Education. These students are allowed to keep their existing email addresses.

Activating the UniMailbox

Instructions on how to activate and configure the UniMailbox were sent by e-mail to all those concerned during the winter semester.

Gehen Sie bitte wie folgt vor:

1. Activate your new UniMailbox by 15 February 2025 (see Instructions).

2. Enter your UniMailbox as a contact address in your HISinOne profile (students and enrolled doctoral candidates: (2-K) student-correspondence-tile; doctoral candidates can also mark this email address as (3-K) doctoral student-correspondence-tile).

3. If you wish, you can transfer your previous e-mails and contacts to the new UniMailbox by 1 April 2025 (see Instructions).

4. If you wish, you can set up a message that will remain active until the deactivation date is reached (see Instructions).

Starting 16 April 2025, the UniMailbox will automatically be entered in HISinOne as a (2-K) student-correspondence email address for all students and enrolled doctoral candidates.

For all students who already had a University email address with the subdomains @students or @[planet name]: Your old email address on the previous University server will be deactivated on 15 April 2025, and the emails will be deleted after a short time.

Contact and counselling

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the University IT Services’ counselling service or the Identity and Access Management (IAM) project team. Please contact using your UniAccount and matriculation number.