Start@UFR | Welcome
Start@UFR | Postdoctoral researchers
Here you will find all the information you need to get started.
Welcome Service
The Welcome Service supports internationals in all non-academic matters, such as issues regarding the authorities and residence permits.
Dual Career Service
The Dual Career Service (DCS) of the University of Freiburg supports partners of executives (including (junior) group leaders) when they arrive in Freiburg and with their professional development.
Academic career paths
European Framework for Research Careers (R1-R4)
European reference model for academic career progression with four career stages (R1-R4)
Tenure track professorship
With the tenure track professorship, the University of Freiburg offers outstanding scholars the opportunity for academic independence and transparent career planning at an early stage in their careers.
Career development through further training, mentoring and coaching
Centre for Advanced Researcher Development (CARD)
Additional central offerings
Higher Education Didactics
The Department of Higher Education Didactics offers you a wide range of further education and advice in the field of teaching.
Internal training and development (IWB)
The IWB’s services are primarily aimed at administrative, service, and technical Staff. However, many events are open to researchers. There you can familiarise yourself with administrative processes at the university, train your language skills, develop skills in the areas of management, media and communication, and last but not least, do something for your well-being.
Freiburg Postdoctoral Academy (FPA)
The Freiburg Postdoctoral Academy is based at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) and aims to promote national and international postdocs active in the three key research areas of UFR: pathways to sustainability, cultures and societies in space and time, and signals of life.
Language Teaching Centre (SLI)
The Language Teaching Centre offers a wide range of language courses that are open to all students, staff and guests of the University, as well as to external participants.
Courses offered by the faculties and inter-faculty programmes
Justitia Mentoring
Support programme for women, intersex, non-binary, transgender and agender people at the Faculty of Law.
Mentoring and career development program for women in natural and life sciences in their doctoral and postdoctoral phase at the University of Freiburg.
Faculty of Medicine
The Academic Qualification Programmes (AkQua) section in the Office of the Dean for Research at the Faculty of Medicine offers target group-specific funding and qualification programmes.
Career development in research networks, research centres and clusters
Research networks, research centres and clusters also offer career development opportunities tailored to the respective research areas. Information can be found on the respective websites.
Leadership and supervision culture
Leadership culture
The University of Freiburg is committed to the continuous development of its leadership culture, which is based on shared values and open exchange. The leadership guidelines are fundamental to the shared understanding of leadership at the University of Freiburg and are intended to provide orientation for the actions of all of its leaders (in both science and in the areas of administration, service and technology).
Supervision culture
Good supervision during the doctoral phase is important to us. With the ‘Compass for Good Supervision of Doctoral Candidates’, the University of Freiburg provides clear standards and framework conditions for successful supervision relationships.
Science communication and knowledge transfer
Balancing academia and family life
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act and duration of employment contracts
The Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz, WissZeitVG) regulates the limitation of employment contracts for academic staff at universities and research institutions in Germany.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research | The Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act
The Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act provides the framework for time limits in the academic field. You can find basic information here on the website of the Federal Ministry
University of Freiburg | The Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act
Articles in Service A-Z (Intranet, access via Uni-Account)
University of Freiburg Guidelines for the Duration of Employment Contracts in Academia
Intranet, access via Uni-Account.
Networks, interest groups and points of contact for researchers
At the University of Freiburg
Mittelbauinitiative (mid-level staff initiative) Freiburg
Association of doctoral candidates and post-docs from various disciplines.
Staff council
Representative and point of contact for all employees of the University of Freiburg.
protect. Protection against discrimination and abuse of power
Counselling and support for all members of the University of Freiburg in cases of discrimination and abuse of power.
Senate members
Across Universities
German Postdoc Network
Network for postdocs across all types of research-performing institutions in Germany.
German Scholars Organization
Career support for researchers
GEW. Education and Science Trade Union
Trade union for employees in pedagogical and academic professions.
Network for Decent Labour in Academia
The Network for Decent Labour in Academia (NGAWiss) is an open, cross-regional association of initiatives and individuals from the non-professorial teaching staff in academia.
Network Against Abuse of Power in Science
The network aims to raise awareness of the issue of ‘abuse of power in science’ and to offer those affected independent advice from organisations.
swans initiative
Organisation that supports female students and young academics with a migrant background, black women and women of colour (BIWoC) in German-speaking countries in all matters relating to work and careers.