Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a clover
  • Microscopic image of beetles of the species “small wood borer”.

Chair of Forest Entomology and Protection

Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources

Chair of Forest Entomology and Forest Protection

Abkürzung der Fakultät für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen "unr" in der Farbe sand auf grünem, kreisförmigen Hintergrund

We are working on a better understanding of the ecology and evolution of forest insects in order to maintain the ecological and forest ecosystem services of our forests in the long term. Our professorship is located in Stegen-Wittental, on the edge of the Dreisamtal valley, about 10 km east of Freiburg. Here we have several buildings, including greenhouses and laboratories, as well as a large open space – ideal conditions for learning, teaching and research.


Yellow-bellied toad in shallow water

Lively Wittental!

Discovering exciting new species in our biotopes in 2024

Thanks to the work of our students Lou, Felix, and Viktor and with the support of the Stihl Foundation, our Exploratorium is becoming more and more lively. We were able to identify new, rare species on the site this year at the various events that had been organised for students, schools, kindergartens and the public. In addition to the increasingly establishing fire salamanders, grass snakes and smooth snakes as well as alpine and smooth newts, in 2024 we were able to identify palmate newts, a rare yellow-bellied toad, and two specimens of the bee orchid for the first time. The yellow-bellied toad, which we have already nicknamed “Ursi”, can be observed every day and our many newly created shallow waters are ready for Ursi’s first offspring!

Portrait of Dr. Vienna Kowallik

Keynote Speech at the DZG meeting

Congratulations to Vienna for her invitation as a Keynote speaker!

Dr. Vienna Kowallik was invited to give the opening lecture in the Evolutionary Biology section at the conference of the German Society of Zoology. The 116th annual meeting of the DZG took place in Stuttgart from September 9 to 13, 2024. In her presentation, Vienna showed the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on the microbial symbiosis in honey bees and bark beetles. In doing so, she focused on two systems that react quite differently to environmental changes.

Larval galleries of the spruce bark beetle after manual removal of the bark from a spruce tree

New research findings on bark beetle control

Helge Löcken publishes important results on the containment of the spruce bark beetle with verbenone

Our PhD student Helge Löcken and his co-authors have published a significant study in the Journal of Applied Entomology. The paper examines the efficacy of SPLAT® Verb, a verbenone-based product, in controlling the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus), the most important forest pest in Europe. In extensive field trials, in which over 1.4 million beetles were recorded, SPLAT® Verb was shown to significantly reduce the infestation of the European spruce bark beetle. The product proved to be particularly effective in wooded areas, with a reduction in beetle numbers of up to 93% near the application points. These results offer new approaches for the management of bark beetles and could contribute to better protection of our forests in the long term. The detailed results can be read in the freely accessible paper, which can be found in the comprehensive FreiDok plus database of the University of Freiburg.

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Exploratorium Lebendiges Wittental

Students, together with teachers and members of the public, use the large site of our chair for hands-on biodiversity education.

Student shows visitors the habitats for amphibians