Curriculum Vitae
- Head of the Professorship for Transformation to Sustainable Energy Systems at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg (since 06/24)
- Head of the Junior Professorship for Transformation of Sustainable Energy Systems at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg (since 08/19)
- Head of the junior research group “Urban Footprints” as a Freigeist Fellow of the Volkswagen Foundation at the HafenCity University Hamburg (since 01/18)
- Postdoc at the HafenCity University Hamburg, research and teaching in the context of the master’s program Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning (REAP) (11/15 – 07/19)
- Lawyer at the Hamburg law firm Günther Rechtsanwälte, focus on energy, construction and environmental law (05/11 – 11/15)
- Lecturer at the HafenCity University Hamburg (10/11 – 04/15)
- Doctorate at the University of Hamburg at the Chair of Public Law, Environmental Law and Legal Philosophy, Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Koch (06/12), summa cum laude
- Research assistant at the HafenCity University of Hamburg at the Chair of Law and Administration, Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel, LL.M. (01/08 – 04/11)
- Further training in “International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy” at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa as part of a program at the University of Joensuu Finland and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) (07/08)
- Second state law examination at the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg (01/08)
- Referendariat at the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg (12/04 – 01/08) with placements in the Secretariat of the UNECE Aarhus Convention in Geneva, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the Hamburg Authority for Urban Development and the Environment
- Master of Laws at the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, USA (05/06)
- First state law examination at the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg (03/04)
- Studied law in Münster, Madrid and Hamburg with a focus on environmental and planning law, as well as European and International Law (10/97-03/04)
Winter semester
- “Environmental and Energy Transition Law” (M.Sc. Environmental Governance, elective module), together with Prof. Errol Meidinger, University of Buffalo School of Law
- “Landwende- und Forstrecht”, (M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Forest Sciences, Geography)
- “Wasserpolitik und Wasserrecht” (M.Sc. Hydrology, Environmental Sciences, Forest Sciences, Geography, elective module) together with Dr. Sylvia Kruse, Universität Freiburg
Summer semester
- “Umwelt- und Planungsrecht” (B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Forest Sciences, Geography elective module)
- “Global Sustainability Transformations in Local Contexts” (M.Sc. Environmental Governance, Environmental Sciences, Forest Sciences, Geography, elective module) together with Dr. Benedikt Schmid
- “Sustainability Law and Transformation” (M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, Forest Sciences, Geography, core module)
Fortlaufende Betreuung von Masterarbeiten
Detailed information in Teaching.
Research priorities
- Regulation of resource use and resource protection
- Climate and energy transition law
- Environmental and planning law
- International and European environmental and economic law
- Sustainable urban development
- Environmental and climate protection interests in (quasi)-judicial control procedures
- Citizen and association participation
More about current research projects
- Zengerling, C. (2013). Greening International Jurisprudence – Environmental NGOs before International Courts, Tribunals and Compliance Committees. Boston, Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Edited books
- Aras, M., Élisabeth, L., Zengerling, C. (2024). Landscapes and Renewable Energy. Remedies of Landscape Damage in France and Germany. Strasbourg, France: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg (320 p).
- Albrecht, J., & Zengerling, C. (2024). Wind energy expansion, landscape damage and compensation in German law. In: Aras, M., Élisabeth, L., Zengerling, C. (ibid).
- Élisabeth, L., & Zengerling, C. (2024). Conclusion. Aras, M., Élisabeth, L., Zengerling, C. (ibid).
Contributions to collected works
- Zengerling, C., Buchmüller C. (2024). Umweltschutz und Freihandel. In H.-J. Koch, E. Hofmann, M. Reese (Eds), Handbuch des Umweltrechts. 6. Auflage. München: Vahlen.
- Zengerling, C. , & Buchmüller, C. (2024). Auf den Weg zu einer treibhausgasneutralen Energiewirtschaft – Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Recht und Umsetzung. In: Lozán J.L., Graßl, H., Kasang, D., Quante, M., Sillmann, J., Warnsignal Klima, Herausforderung Wetterextreme, pp. 364 – 370.
- Frisch, Thomas; Emilie D’Amico; Cathrin Zengerling (2024). Transnational Cooperation. In Engels, Anita; Jochem Marotzke; Beate Ratter; Eduardo Gonçalves Gresse; Andrés López-Rivera; Anna Pagnone; Jan Wilkens (eds.); 2024. Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2024. Conditions for Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation. Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society” (CLICCS), pp. 36-39. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.
- Perino, Grischa; Anne Gerstenberg; Steffen Haag; Franziska Müller; Martin Wickel; Cathrin Zengerling (2024). Climate-Related Regulation. In Engels, A., et al (ibid).
- Zengerling, Cathrin; Stefan Aykut; Antje Wiener; Jill Bähring; Lea Frerichs (2024). Climate Litigation. In Engels, A., et al. (ibid).
- Zengerling, C., Aykut, S., Wiener, A., Bähring, J.; d’Amico, E. (2023). Social driver assessment: Climate litigation. In A. Engels, J. Marotzke, E. Gresse, A. López-Rivera, A. Pagnone & J. Wilkens (Eds.), Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023. The plausibility of a 1.5°C limit to global warming: Social drivers and physical processes. Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS). Hamburg, Germany.
- Scheffran, J., d’Amico, E., Frisch, T., Zengerling, C. (2023). Social driver assessment:
Transnational Initiatives. In A. Engels et al. (ibid). - Perino, G., Jarke-Neuert, J., Zengerling, C., Wickel, M., Schenuit, F. (2023). Social driver
assessment: Climate-Related Regulation. In A. Engels et al. (ibid).
- Scheffran, J., d’Amico, E., Frisch, T., Zengerling, C. (2023). Social driver assessment:
- Aykut, S.C., Wiener, A., Zengerling, C., Bähring, J. (2023). Climate Litigation as a Social Driver Towards Deep Decarbonisation I: A Framework and a General Assessment. Carbon & Climate Law Review, 11/3, pp. 181-192,
- Zengerling, C., Sotto, D., Fuo, O. (2022). Cities. In Reins, L.; Verschuuren, J. (Eds.) Research Handbook on Climate Change Mitigation Law (pp. 398-431), 2nd edition. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Zengerling, C. (2022). Kommunale Klimaschutzplanung. In Rodi, M. (Hrsg.) Klimaschutzrecht (pp. 235-256). Beck.
- Zengerling, C. (2021). Klimaschutz und Welthandel – Erste Ansätze ökologischer Rechtsstaatlichkeit im EU-Mercosur Freihandelsabkommen? In Benjamin, H., Westland M. (Eds.) Der ökologische Rechtsstaat. (deutsch/portugiesisch).
- John, N., Harseim, L., Vignola, G., Zengerling, C. (2021). Of Zeros and Ones: Choices that shape the zero carbon and digital city of tomorrow. In Schwegmann, R., Ziemer, G., Nönning, J. R., Digital City Science. Researching New Technologies in Urban Environments (pp. 105-113). Perspectives in Metropolitan Research, No. 6, jovis.
- Stapper, M.W., Zengerling, C., Tribble, R. (2021). Hamburg – How Bürger and Dissent Logics Shape Participatory Processes. In van der Veen, M., Duyvendak, J.W. (Eds.). Participate! Portraits of Cities and Citizens in Action (pp. 83-103). Rotterdam: nai101 publishers.
- Aykut, S., Bassen, A., Beyer, J., Brüggemann, M., Busch, T., d’Amico, E., Engels, A., Frisch, T., Gresse, E., Guenther, L., Hedemann, C., Jarke-Neuert, J., Johnson, J., Lange, A., Pavenstädt, C., Perino, G., Petzold, J., Sander, J., Scheffran, J., Schenuit, F., Wickel, M., Wiener, A., Wilkens, J., Zengerling, C. (2021). Summary of the Social Driver Assessment. In Stammer, D.; A. Engels; J. Marotzke; E. Gresse; C. Hedemann; J. Petzold (Eds.). Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2021. Assessing the plausibility of deep decarbonization by 2050 (pp. 41-49). Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS). Hamburg, Germany. Weitere Kapitel im Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook, Part II, Social Driver Assessment:
- Zengerling, C., Aykut, S., Wiener, A., Wickel, M. Climate Litigation
- Aykut, S., Schenuit, F., d’Amico, E., Zengerling, C., Scheffran, J. UN Climate Governance
- Scheffran, J., Zengerling, C., Lange, A., d’Amico, E. Transnational Initiatives
- Perino, G., Jarke-Neuert, J., Zengerling, C., Wickel, M., Schenuit, F. Climate-Related Regulation
- Zengerling, C., Buck, M. (2018). Umweltschutz und Freihandel. In H.-J. Koch (Ed), Handbuch des Umweltrechts (pp. 1100-1148). München: Vahlen.
- Verheyen, R., Zengerling, C. (2016). International Dispute Settlement. In C. Carlarne / K.R. Gray / R. Tarasofsky (Eds), Oxford Handbook of International Climate Change Law (pp. 417-440). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Verheyen, R., Zengerling, C. (2013). International Climate Change Cases. In OC Ruppel / C. Roschmann / K. Ruppel-Schlichting (Eds), Climate Change: Legal Responses and Global Responsibility, Volume I (pp. 759-804). Baden-Baden: Nomos Publishers.
- Zengerling, C. (2008). NGOs versus European Pirates – Fisheries Agreements, IUU Fishing and the ITLOS in West African Seas. In E. Couzen / T. Honkonen (Eds), International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy Review (pp. 107-132). Joensuu, Finland: UNEP, University of Finland UNEP Course Series.
Journal articles
- Schmid, B., Fricke, C, Zengerling, C. (2024). Towards a “Freiburg Model” of Housing for the Common Good? Fostering Collaborative Housing in Urban Development. Urban Planning, Vol 9, pp. 1 – 18,
- Klimke, M., Plieninger, T., Zengerling, C. (2024). Allowing for the multifunctionality of agroforestry systems – lessons from a legal perspective with a focus on Germany. Earth System Governance, Vol. 22, pp. 1 – 13,
- Zengerling, C., Bähring, J., Aykut, S., & Wiener, A. (2024). Climate Litigation as a Social Driver Towards Deep Decarbonisation II: Zooming in on Two Cases. Carbon & Climate Law Review, 18/1, pp. 3 – 16,
- Aykut, S.C., Wiener, A., Zengerling, C., Bähring, J. (2023). Climate Litigation as a Social Driver Towards Deep Decarbonisation I: A Framework and a General Assessment. Carbon & Climate Law Review, 11/3, pp. 181-192,
- Zengerling, C. , & Buchmüller, C. Ausstieg aus dem Energiechartavertrag – ein Nachruf aus Perspektive der Energiewende, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, Jahrgang 21, Ausgabe 2 (2023), pp. 219 – 234.
- Perino, G., Jarke-Neuert, J., Schenuit, F., Wickel, M. and Zengerling, C. (2022). Closing the Implementation Gap: Obstacles in Reaching Net-Zero Pledges in the EU and Germany. Politics and Governance, 10(3), 213-225.
- Fuo, O., Zengerling, C., Sotto, D. (2022). A Comparative Legal Analysis of Urban Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in the Building Sector in Brazil, Germany, and South Africa. Climate Law, 12(1), 32-97.
- Pohlmann, A., Walz, K., Engels, A., Aykut, S. C., Altstaedt, S., Colell, A., … & Zengerling, C. (2021). It’s not enough to be right! The climate crisis, power, and the climate movement. GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 30(4), 231-236.
- Kohler, M.; Engels, A.; Koury, A.P.; Zengerling, C. (2021). Thinking Urban Transformation through Elsewhere: A Conversation between Real-World Labs in São Paulo and Hamburg on Governance and Practical Action. Sustainability, 13 (22), 12811.
- Harseim, L., Sprecher, B., Zengerling, C. (2021). Phosphorus Governance within Planetary Boundaries: The Potential of Strategic Local Resource Planning in The Hague and Delfland, The Netherlands. Sustainability, 13 (19), 10801.
- Yawar-Mehmood, R., Rios, L. G., Zengerling, C., Dietrich, U. (2020). The development of a diagnosis indicator-based assessment tool and its application to rural settlements in the region Montes de Maria in Colombia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 125-132.
- Zengerling, C. (2020). Städte im polyzentrischen Klimaschutzregime, Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR) 1/2020, 3-11.
- Zweitveröffentlichung in: Faßbender, K., & Köck, W. (2021). Rechtliche Herausforderungen und Ansätze für eine umweltgerechte und nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung. Nomos.
- Zengerling, C. (2019). Ausbau von Elektromobilitätsangeboten in der Wohnungswirtschaft – Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt e-Quartier Hamburg, Die Wohnungswirtschaft, 5/2019, 28-29.
- Aykut, S., Neukirch, M., Zengerling, C., Engels, A., Suhari, M., Pohlmann, A. (2019). Energiewende ohne gesellschaftlichen Wandel? Der blinde Fleck in der aktuellen Debatte zur “Sektorkopplung”, Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 3/2019, 20-24.
- Zengerling, C. (2019). Governing the City of Flows – A Plea for Greater Accountability in Strategic Planning and Implementation. Urban Planning, 4/1, 187-199.
- Kortländer, J., Zengerling, C. (2018). Solarstrom im Quartier – Potentiale und Grenzen des neuen Mieterstromgesetzes. RaumPlanung, 198 / 5-2018, 55-59.
- Prill, T., Zengerling, C. (2018). Elektromobilität in urbanen Wohnquartieren – Handlungsspielräume und quartiersbezogene Strategien. PLANERIN, 3, 37-41.
- Zengerling, C. (2018). Action on Climate Change Mitigation in German and Chinese Cities – A Search for Emerging Patterns of Accountability. Habitat International, 75, 147-153.
- Kortländer, J., Zengerling, C. (2018). Das neue Mieterstromgesetz – (k)ein Beitrag zur Energiewende?. Zeitschrift für Neues Energierecht (ZNER), 22/1, 13-20.
- Duncker, M., Zengerling, C. (2017). Elektromobilität in der kommunalen Planung. RaumPlanung 190, 44-49.
- Wickel, M., Zengerling, C. (2016). Die Zulassung des vorzeitigen Baubeginns für Flüchtlingsunterkünfte in der Hamburgischen Bauordnung. Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht in Norddeutschland (NordÖR), 4, 133-139.
- Zengerling, C., Verheyen, R. (2014). Seegerichtshof beschließt die Freilassung von Crew und Schiff im Fall „Arctic Sunrise“. Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR), 3, 147-150.
- Wickel, M., Zengerling, C. (2011). Partizipation in der kommunalen Planung – Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung und Bürgerentscheide. RaumPlanung 156/157, 138 -143.
- Wickel, M., Zengerling, C. (2011). BauGB-Novelle und kommunaler Klimaschutz. PLANERIN 2/11, 59-60.
- Zengerling, C. (2010). Sustainable Development and International (Environmental) Law – Integration vs. Fragmentation. Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (EurUP), 8, 175-186.
- Wickel, M., Zengerling, C. (2010). Beeinflussung der gemeindlichen Bauleitplanung durch Bürgerentscheide – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Zeitschrift für Öffentliches Recht in Norddeutschland (NordÖR) 3/2010, 91-97.
Book reviews
- C. Zengerling (2017). Lehren aus 35 Jahren Tragik der Allmende, Rezension Lena Jahrmarkt – Internationales Klimaschutzrecht. Vereinte Nationen 6/2017, 280.
- C. Zengerling (2007). Jura feministisch studieren, Rezension Foljanty/Lembke (Eds.) – Feministische Rechtswissenschaft. Forum Recht, 2, 66.
Legal opinions
- Harrison J.; Paulini, S.; Ankersmit. L.; van Asselt, H.; Barros-Platiau, A.; Eslava, L.; Harstad, B.; Marzano, K.; Raza, W.; Rittl, C.; Zengerling, C. (2021). Academic Statement: Proposals on the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement and the Environment, 8 Feb 2021, abrufbar unter:
- C. Zengerling (2020). Stärkung von Klimaschutz und Entwicklung durch internationales Handelsrecht – Eine Untersuchung des Rechts der WTO, regionaler Freihandelsabkommen und Wirtschaftspartnerschaftsabkommen der EU unter besonderer Berücksichtigung nachhaltiger Landnutzung”, Expertise im Auftrag des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderung, Mai 2020, abrufbar unter:
- C. Zengerling (2017). E-Quartier Hamburg – Elektromobilität in urbanen Wohnquartieren, Rechtsgutachten (Projekt der Modellregion Hamburg, gefördert durch das BMVBS), November 2017. Abrufbar unter:
- C. Zengerling (2014). “Rechtliche Bewertung einzelner Regelungen des EEG-Referentenentwurfes vom 4. März 2014” für Greenpeace e.V. im Rahmen der Verbändeanhörung zum EEG 2014, März 2014.
Supervision of dissertations
- Alexander Stanley, Legal approaches for coping with climate uncertainty and variability in comparative perspective (working title), second supervisor, first supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Wickel (HafenCity University Hamburg), CLICCS
- Burkhard Hoffmann, Rechtsrahmen zu grünem Wasserstoff, co-advisor, principal advisor: Prof. Dr. Claudio Franzius, Universität Bremen
- Marina Klimke, Landscape features for biodiversity and farmers: An analysis of the legal framework for agroforestry in Germany and a discussion of potential adjustments (working title), INTEGRA project, second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tobias Plieninger (Universities of Kassel and Göttingen)
- Ahmed Tarek Al-Ahwal, Climate planning impact on Cairo’s urban systems (working title), Urban Footprints Project, second supervisor: Prof. Heba Khalil (Cairo University)
- Lina Irscheid, Künstliche Intelligenz als Entscheidungsgrundlage im Klimaanpassungsrecht: Der Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz durch die öffentliche Verwaltung zur Anpassung von Städten an die Folgen des Klimawandels (Arbeitstitel), co-advisor (principal advisor: Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky, ALU)
- Nikita Mary John, The role of participation in planning sustainable urban infrastructure, towards reducing consumption emissions in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, India – Aligning Development and Climate Change Mitigation in Urban Indian (working title), principal advisor, co-advisor: Dr. Manisha Jain, Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Dresden
- Emilie D’Amico, Instruments and practices of global urban governance in the face of the global carbon neutrality goal, co-advisor (principal advisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Aykut), University of Hamburg, CLICCS
- Michiel Stapper, Do contracts have politics? Contracts, consultants, and urban development in the age of participation, member of doctoral committee, University of Amsterdam, defense in November 2020.
Lectures (selection)
Lectures and panel contributions by invitation
- “Is Climate Litigation a Social Driver Towards Deep Decarbonization? Agency, Dynamics and Effects”, Tilburg Law School, December 2024
- “Climate Litigation as a Social Driver Towards Deep Decarbonisation II: Zooming in on Two Cases”, Varieties of Climate Agency with a special focus on Climate Litigation International Workshop supported by the DAAD Cambridge HubPanel on Anticipating a Decarbonized World – Panel 2, November 2024
- “Tracing accountability in polycentric climate governance – case study of Hamburg”, Session: Responsible Urban Climate Governance in Times of Crisis: Case Studies, Mackenzie University São Paulo – Global Cooperation for Urban Adaptation Workshop, November 2024
- “The Role of Law and Planning in Urban Climate Transitions”, Governance for the City Transition – Council of Architecture and Urban Planning, São Paulo Meeting 2024 Climate Change – The Challenge of Global Cooperation for Urban Adaptation, November 2024
- “International Economic Law – Fundamental Change in Free Trade Agreements?”, Panel: International Law (War), International Law (Peace), International Law (Anthropocene?), ESG – Re-imagining Earth System Governance in an Era of Polycrisis, October 2024
- “Städte im Hitzestress – Intelligente Klimaanpassung für den urbanen Raum”, FRIAS Freiburger Horizonte, October 2023
- “Is Climate Litigation a Social Driver Towards Deep Decarbonization? Agency, Dynamics and Effects”, 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance, October 2023
- “Städte im Klimawandel global bis lokal: Wo stehen wir und wie geht es weiter?”, Freiburger Umweltgespräche „Transformation von Städten“, June 2023
- “Tracing accountability chains and design of climate action planning in eight international cities – on gaps, traps and bridges”, Special session: Accountable strategic planning in the age of decarbonization, AESOP – Integrated Planning in a World of Turbulence, June 2023
- “Für die »Weiterwohnlichkeit der Welt«. Hans Jonas und das Prinzip Verantwortung heute”, Katholische Akademie Freiburg, May 2023
- “Aufwind für Agroforstsysteme? Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Chancen und Hemmnisse im europäischen und deutschen Recht“, Ringvorlesung “Recht der Nachhaltigen Nutzung Natürlicher Ressourcen“, Center for Law and Sustainability (CLS), University of Lucerne, November 2022
- Moderation of the discussion on the contribution of Dr. iur. Juliane Albrecht “Klimaanpassung im Städtebau” at Symposium “Rechtliche Herausforderungen der Klimaanpassung“ (Legal Challenges in Climate Adaptation), Zentralinstitut für Raumplanung, University of Münster, remote, October 2022
- “Assessing Climate Litigation as a Social Driver Towards Deep Decarbonization – Analytical Approach, Case Studies and Challenges”, based on a joint publication draft (Zengerling, C., Bähring, J., Aykut S., Wiener, A.), CLICCS Cluster of Excellence, remote, October 2022
- “Rechtlicher und administrativer Rahmen der regionalen Energiewende – Welche Entwicklungen sind nötig?“, Klimabürger:innenrat Region Freiburg, Emmendingen, June 2022
- ”Landscape damages and compensation in German law”, Research Consortium Seminar, Landscapes and Renewable Energies: Repairing damaged landscapes, EUCOR – The European Campus, University of Strasbourg, May 2022
- “Thinking Urban Transformation through Elsewhere – A conversation on Real World Labs in São Paulo and Hamburg on Governance and Practical Action”, Transformation Round Table, Institute of Environmental Social Sciences and Geography, University of Freiburg, remote, May 2022
- “Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Carbon and Material Flows”, Gastvortrag im Kurs “Sustainable Cities”, remote, University College Freiburg, May 2022
- “Klimaschutz als kommunale Pflichtaufgabe”, key note in online-discussion Science and Politics in Dialogue, hosted by the initiative Klimaschutz im Bundestag, remote, May 2022
- Invited participation in ”The Anthropocene Mindset”, Roundtable – Principles of Earth System Law, IASS Potsdam, conducted by Professor Louis Kotzé, remote, April 2022
- “Climate Litigation – A driver towards deep decarbonization?”, Transformation Round Table, Institute of Environmental Social Sciences and Geography, University of Freiburg, remote, April 2022
- “Deutsche Klimapolitik im europäischen Kontext”, KlimaCampus / Schmidt-Gespräch, Hamburg, March 2022
- “Climate Litigation – A Game Changer?”, Gastvortrag, Masterstudiengang Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning, HafenCity Universität Hamburg, January 2022
- “Assessing Social Plausibility of Deep Decarbonization – Concept and Findings of the First Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook”, IUSG Seminar Series, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, December 2021
- „Welche Rolle kann das Rechtssystem spielen?“, Impulsvortrag, interner Workshop der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina zum Thema „Biodiversität und Umwelt: Handlungsfelder für die neue Bundesregierung“, November 2021
- ”Understanding and Governing the City of Flows”, Panel Knowledge-based regenerative cities – restorative relationships between cities and natural systems, Knowledge Cities World Summit 2021, Brazil, remote, November 2021
- “Recht und Transformation in der ‘glokalen’ Nachhaltigkeitsforschung”, Fakultätstag der UNR, ALU Freiburg, Oktober 2021
- Panelist in Tenure-Track-Informationsveranstaltung der Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena und der Deutschen Gesellschaft Juniorprofessur (DGJ), remote, Oktober 2021
- “The role of targets in environmental law – opportunities and challenges of ‘net zero’”, Session Net-zero targets on the rise: discussing physical and societal plausibility, Retreat CLICCS Cluster of Excellence, Fintel, October 2021
- Panelist, Realfiktion Klimarechnungshof #2, Der angezählte Planet, im Kontext des Klimavolksbegehrens in Österreich, Universität Wien, remote, September 2021
- „Beschluss des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum Klimaschutzgesetz“, Lunch Lecture, Institut für Umweltsozialwissenschaften und Geographie, remote, Juni 2021
- „Klimaschutz und Welthandel – Ansätze zur Integration in Freihandelsabkommen“, Studium Generale, Vortragsreihe Klimawandel, SoSe 2021, remote, Juni 2021
- ”Towards Climate Neutral European Cities – Strengthening Accountability in Global and European Governance”, Workshop “Transitioning towards sustainable European Cities: a law and governance perspective”, Maastricht University, remote, June 2021
- ”Urban Climate Policies – A Multi-Level Governance Perspective”, 9th German-Brazilian Dialogue on Science, Research, and Innovation, DWIH São Paulo, remote, May 2021
- Panelist at Third CLICCS Convent “Climate Protection Law” – The German Climate Protection Law after the Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court, University of Hamburg, CLICCS Cluster of Excellence, remote, May 2021
- „Umweltrecht”, Gastbeitrag im Modul „Forst- und Umweltpolitik“, Prof. Daniela Kleinschmit, remote, Mai 2021
- “Legality and Legitimacy in Natural Resource Governance – A Legal Perspective”, Third International Forest Policy Meeting (IFPM3), University of Freiburg, remote, March 2021
- “Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in Cities’ Climate Action Planning”, in session “Sustainable Earth” hosted by Dr. Manisha Jain, Leibniz Institut of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Dresden at the 11th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Kolkata, India, hosted jointly by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Indian Department of Science and Technology, remote, February 2021
- ”EEUMAA and Environmental Objectives”, Workshop “How to reconcile EUMAA with environmental objectives?”, University of Warwick, remote, December 2020
- “Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governancen of Carbon and Material Flows”, Gastvortrag im Kurs “Sustainable Cities”, remote, University College Freiburg, November 2020
- “What role can science play in environmental decision-making”, Night of Science der Graduate School Environment, Society and Global Change, remote, November 2020
- “The New Hamburg Climate Plan”, Workshop “Cities and Climate Change: Action Plans and Climate Adaptation Measures”, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of São Paulo, remote, November 2020
- „Nachhaltig Bauen im urbanen Kontext – CO2– und Materialfußabdrücke auf kommunaler Ebene verstehen und steuern“, Gastvortrag, Hochschule Biberach (Kontext Solar Decathlon Europe 2021), remote, Juli 2020
- „Urbane Materialflüsse verstehen – Herausforderungen und kommunale Handlungsoptionen”, 9. Kongress Energieautonome Kommunen, Freiburg, Februar 2020
- Experteninterview “Umwelt- und Klimaschutz im Welthandelssystem”, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderung (WBGU), Berlin, Januar 2020
- „International Trade and the Environmental Rule of Law – The influence of NAFTA and EU-Mercosur on the development and implementation of environmental law”, The Environmental Rule of Law, Fórum de Democracia Europa – Brasil, Senate, Brasilia, November 2019
- „Climate and Trade – An Overview”, Diálogos Futuro Sustentável – Climate and Free Trade, Rio de Janeiro, November 2019
- Session „Urbanites Without Footprints” at the City Science Summit “Cities Without”, HafenCity University Hamburg, City Science Lab in cooperation with MIT Media Lab, Hamburg, October 2019
- „Science for Accountable Governance”, Inaugural lecture of the Klimapolis Laboratory, IAG, University of São Paulo, Brazil, Mai 2019
- „Die Rolle von Klimaklagen im Transformationsprozess“, Jahrestagung des Deutschen Klimakonsortiums, Berlin, April 2019.
- „Kommunaler Klimaschutz – Recht und Praxis“, 24. Leipziger Umweltrechtssymposion, Leipzig, März 2019.
- „Aufbau von Ladeinfrastruktur auf privaten Flächen – Kommunale Steuerungsinstrumente”, Institut für Städtebau, Januar 2019.
- „The Importance of Measuring for Accountable Air Pollution and Climate Change Governance”, Klimapolis/CityLab Workshop, Hamburg, Dezember 2018.
- „Urban Footprints – Wie Städte ihren ökologischen Fußabdruck verantworten”, Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium ‘Umkämpfte Räume’, Europa-Universität Flensburg, November 2018.
- „Towards Greater Accountability in Urban Environmental Governance – Air Pollution vs. Climate Change”, Klimapolis/CityLab Workshop, University of São Paulo, Brazil, August 2018.
- Panelist, Panel Dicussion „Desired Trajectories”, Workshop „Desired Trajectories for the Earth System in the 21st Century”, HanseWissenschaftskolleg Delmenhorst, Prof. Dr. Guy Brasseur, Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg, März 2018.
- „Elektromobilität in urbanen Wohnquartieren – Instrumente zur Aktivierung privater Flächen“, Forum Bauen und Mobilität, Zentrum für Energie, Bauen, Architektur und Umwelt (ZEBAU), Hamburg, Februar 2018
- „e-Quartier – Elektromobilität in urbanen Wohnquartieren: Ergebnisse des Rechtsgutachtens”, Interessentenkreis der Behörde für Umwelt und Energie sowie der Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen, Hamburg, Januar 2018.
Before 2018
- Vorstellung des Konzepts „Urbane Fußabdrücke”, Projekt „Steuerbare urbane Stoffströme – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der nachhaltigen Steuerung städtischer und stadtregionaler Stoffströme mittels Instrumenten der Stadtplanung (FKZ: 3717 3510 10), 2. Projekttreffen, Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (Difu), Berlin, Dezember 2017.
- „Urbane Fußabdrücke – Verantwortung und Verbindlichkeit in der Steuerung kommunaler Treibhausgasemissionen”, UPPW – Umwelt- und Planungsrecht in Praxis und Wissenschaft, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Kooperation mit dem Umweltbundesamt, Januar 2017.
- „International Climate Change Governance – The Role of Environmental NGOs”, Hamburg International Environmental Law Conference (HIELC), Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, September 2013.
Other lectures
- “Assessing Social Plausibility of Deep Decarbonization – Concept and Findings of the First Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook”, IUSG Seminar Series, ALU Freiburg, December 2021.
- „Urban Footprints and Circular Cities from a Legal Perspective”, Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Conference 2020, Universität Freiburg, November 2020.
- „Urban Footprints – Towards Greater Accountability in the Governance of Cities‘ Carbon and Material Flows“, Präsentation und Diskussion des Forschungsprojektes ”Urban Footprints“ an der University of Cairo, Faculty of Engineering und an der Helwan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo, September 2018.
- „ChangeMakerSpace”, Entwicklung und Präsentation einer Projektidee zur Implementierung der SDGs 11 und 16 in interkultureller und interdisziplinärer Arbeitsgruppe, UNLEASH Innovation Lab 2018 for the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Singapur, Juni 2018.
- „Accountable Governance of Cities’ GHG Emissions”, RAMSES Cities and Climate Conference 2017, Potsdam, September 2017.
- „Sustainable Management of Natural Resources – The Role of European Cities”, 5th European Environmental Law Forum (EELF) Annual Conference, Kopenhagen, August/September 2017.
- „Multi-level Climate Governance in Germany – The Opportunities and Constraints in Formal and Informal Instruments from a Legal Perspective”, AESOP Annual Congress 2017, Lissabon, Juli 2017.
- „Action on Climate Change Mitigation in German and Chinese Cities – A Search for Emerging Patterns of Accountability”, Planning, Law and Property Rights (PLPR) Annual Meeting 2017: “Institutional Innovations in Land Development and Planning in the 20th and 21st century”, Hong Kong, Februar 2017.
- „Access to Justice in International Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Procedures – the Case for Strengthening Procedural Rights of Environmental NGOs, 4th Annual Conference of European Environmental Law Forum: “Procedural Environmental Rights: Principle X in Theory and Practice”, Wroclaw, September 2016.
- „Umweltverbände als Anwälte der Natur”, Symposium „Natur im Recht – Rechte der Natur?”, Forschungsstelle Umweltrecht, Universität Hamburg in Zusammenarbeit mit Haus der Zukunkft Hamburg, Juli 2013.
- „Öffnung von Wärmenetzen – Erneuerbare Energien und Liberalisierung”, Disserationskolloquium, Universität Hamburg, Juni 2013.
- „Beteiligung von Umweltverbänden an internationalen Streitschlichtungsverfahren – Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) und Internationales Zentrum zur Beilegung von Investitionsstreitigkeiten (ICSID)”, Doktorandenseminar Prof. Dr. Markus Krajewski, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, August 2011.
- „Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung und Integration im Recht”, Junges Forum der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Hamburg, Juni 2009.
Poster presentation
- „SDG 11 and the Governance of Urban Carbon and Material Footprints“, GRC Industrial Ecology Conference 2018: „The Role of Industrial Ecology in Reaching the Sustainable Development Goals”, Les Diablerets, Schweiz, Mai 2018.
- International Law Association / Deutsche Vereinigungfür Internationales Recht/ Study Group on the Role of Cities in International Law
- Gesellschaft für Umweltrecht (Environmental Law Society) e.V.(GfU)
- Hamburg International Environmental Law Conference e.V.
- International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights(PLPR)
- European Environmental Law Forum (EELF)
- International Society for Industrial Ecology – Sustainable Urban Metabolism & Socioeconomic Metabolism Section
- Future Earth Open Network