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Dr. Max Bolze
FRIAS Communications and PR

Phone: +49 761 203 97407

Short News

Elisabeth Piller (Internal Fellow 2024/25) has been honoured with the Synergy Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). Piller is investigating how the scarcity of resources affected the period during both World Wars.

In mid-October, the second cohort of members within the Young Academy for Sustainability Research (YAS) was ceremonially welcomed with a very positive interim evaluation.

Portrait of Guiseppe Sansone

The doctoral network QU-ATTO, coordinated by Giuseppe Sansone (Senior Fellow 2024/25), will receive funding through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network programme.

Karsten Schubert (Junior Fellow 2022/23) has published a new book titled Lob der Identitätspolitik addressing the recurring critique that identity politics, despite its anti-discrimination aims, risks leading democracy into the confines of tribalism. 

Benjamin Nathans (Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow of 2022) is the author of To the Success of Our Hopelessness, a book about the soviet dissident movement.

FRIAS Co-Director Barbara Di Ventura has attracted some media attention by creatively blending two of her passions—music and science—into “musical abstracts.”

Press Releases

Javier Francisco auf der Bühne beim Vortragen

Press Release

YAS: Career launchpad and incubator for sustainability research

After three years, the first funding phase of the Young Academy for Sustainability Research (YAS) ended in September 2024. In this time, the Academy has established itself as an incubator for innovative projects in the field of sustainability research and has decisively supported the careers of up-and-coming scientists. It now also serves as a model for a new funding program at the University of Freiburg.

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Portrait of Guiseppe Sansone

Press Release

FRIAS Fellow Sansone receives Marie Skłodowska-Curie funding

The doctoral network QU-ATTO, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Sansone, is supported by the “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network” program. It investigates processes in quantum information science, such as quantum entanglement or coherence, with the temporal resolution enabled by attosecond technology. The Doctoral Networks (DN) support transnational doctoral programs involving various institutions from both the academic and non-academic sectors.

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Press Release

Das “Prinzip Held*” erleben – SFB 948 präsentiert Ergebnisse

Eine interaktive Ausstellung im Militärhistorischen Museum Berlin-Gatow präsentiert die Ergebnisse des Sonderforschungsbereiches „Helden, Heroisierung, Heroismen“, der von FRIAS Direktor Ralf von den Hoff geleitet wurde.

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Faces of FRIAS

A series of interviews showcasing our Fellows and their projects.


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