Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a clover

About YAS

Sustainability Research

The Young Academy for Sustainability Research was established in 2021 at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) and is composed of postdocs from a wide variety of disciplines. They work on joint research projects and publications in the field of sustainability research as well as organise scientific conferences and workshops.

The Young Academy is administered by its members. The FRIAS team supports them in organisational and administrative matters. The members meet several times a year at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies in Freiburg.

The Young Academy is funded by the Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation, which has granted a second funding phase until 2027. The promotion of scientific and in particular interdisciplinary discourse among outstanding young scientists as well as the implementation of initiatives at the interfaces between science and society in the field of sustainability can thus be continued.

Recent Highlights

Explore some of the recent activities of the Young Academy for Sustainability (YAS) and its members.

Get in touch

Portrait of Michael Vollstädt

Dr. Michael Vollstädt


Portrait of Tanja Fritz

Tanja Fritz


Portrait of Samuel Boursaud

Samuel Boursaud


YAS Advisory Board

The Advisory Board advises YAS on its strategic and further development. The Board is equally composed of YAS members and professors of the University of Freiburg.

  • Dr. Rita Sousa Silva (YAS member)
  • Prof. Dr. Melanie Arndt (Prof. for Economic, Social and Environmental History)
  • Dr. Luisa Cortesi (YAS member)
  • Dr. Javier Francisco (YAS member)
  • Prof. Dr. Veronika Lipphardt (Prof. for Science and Technology Studies)
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Pregernig (Prof. for Sustainability Governance)

Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation

The Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation was established in 1986 by Eva Mayr-Stihl and her husband Robert Mayr. One of the focal points of the foundation’s work is promoting science and research. At the University of Freiburg, it has significantly supported the development of research in the broad field of environmental and sustainability research. Its initial funding initiatives began at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources and later extended to the Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH). Since 2021, the foundation has also supported the Young Academy for Sustainability (YAS).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about YAS

 What is the YAS?

What is FRIAS?

Who can apply at YAS?

What are the benefits of YAS?

How many members are currently part of YAS?

What obligations do YAS members have?

Are members employed by the University of Freiburg?

How often do the members meet?

 Do all members reside in Freiburg?