Our mission: Connecting highly qualified international early career researchers to Freiburg scientists!
The Freiburg Rising Stars Academy is your gateway to excellence to the University of Freiburg. We are welcoming early career researchers from all kinds of disciplines and research fields to apply as Rising Stars. These topics reflect the University of Freiburg’s strength in the different collaborative research efforts participating in Freiburg Rising Stars Academy: livMats, CIBSS / BIOSS, IMBIT / BrainLinks-BrainTools, FRIBIS, Future Forest, Center for Sustainability Research and more.
The Freiburg Rising Stars Academy is your door opener to the University of Freiburg. We are welcoming early career scientists from the fields of Materials Science, Chemistry, Biology, Genetics, Informatics, Physics, Engineering, Microscopy, Medicine, Theology, Economics, Forestry and many other fields to apply as Rising Stars. These topics reflect the University of Freiburg’s research strengths and investment in interdisciplinary collaboration on the highest levels as well as its commitment to advancing and internationalizing academic careers.
The Freiburg Rising Stars Academy was originally funded by the Research in Germany Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It is a prize-winning project of in the International Research Marketing Ideas Competition, conducted by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The Rising Stars will get their foot in the door with their potential dream team: They start on a virtual level to collaborate with the Freiburg teams, work with them on research projects, gain access to top-level research infrastructure, develop new ideas, get to know team members, gain international experience – and maybe even meet your future supervisor. Should a Rising Star be more advanced in his or her career, a Group Leader or even Tenure Track Position could be awaiting in Freiburg: The Freiburg Rising Stars Academy aims to lay the foundation.
The Freiburg Rising Stars Academy combines the interests of the Freiburg scientific community and the international target group of experienced top-level Doctoral Researchers and PostDocs – the “Rising Stars”, by offering:
The FRSA creates sustainable networks and connections from which everyone will benefit for years to come.
Scientifically the FRSA draws on excellent research collaborations at the University of Freiburg as well as its manifold partners within the region. Host-PIs in this round of the FRSA hail from:
Further partners include:
“Sometimes, one action can change one’s career path, take one to another city or country and open up countless new opportunities. For Dr. Edoardo Milana and Dr. María Belén Camarada, applying for the Freiburg Rising Stars Academy at the University of Freiburg was such an action.“