What is the difference between Track 1 and Track 2 application?
The FRSA offers two application tracks to ensure optimal matching between PIs and fellows.
Track 1 allows you to choose a specific PI based on your selection criteria and research interests.
Track 2 enables us to match you with the best PI for your research project idea if you are unsure of the best fit.
Who reviews my application?
Your application will be reviewed by a panel of experts in the relevant fields.
What does the application include?
You must complete the online application and submit it by the set deadline. The PDF form requires key information about your academic journey, research interests, and your chosen Track. After its review, the FRSA team will contact you via email regarding the status of your application and any next steps you must take.
Can I reapply for the FRSA if my application is rejected?
Yes, you can apply for the next cohort session once the new application dates have been announced.
Can I apply with a colleague as a team?
Applications are individual, and joint research projects cannot be considered.