Meet the Hosts
The Cluster of Excellence livMatS develops life-like material systems inspired by nature, combining technology and biology. These systems autonomously adapt to their environment, harvest clean energy, and resist or recover from damage. Focused on sustainability and societal acceptance, livMatS integrates expertise from energy research, biomimetics, engineering, psychology, and philosophy to create pioneering, future-ready materials.
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rühe
Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces – Department of Microsystems Engneering
Areas of Expertise
Polymers at Interfaces | Metamaterials | Surface modification | Biomedical surfaces | Micro- and nanostructuring of surfaces | Anti-(bio)fouling strategies | Biosensors | Surface analysis
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Prof. Dr. Laura Hartmann
Active Soft Matter – Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry
Areas of Expertise
Synthesis of complex polymers | Biomimetic polymers for applications in biomedicine | Self-assembly materials | Sustainable polymers
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Dr. Olga Speck
Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies
Areas of Expertise
Self-repairing materials | Self-adaptive materials | Composite materials | Functional anatomy and biomechanics of plants | Biomimetics and sustainable technology development | Education and training in the field of biomimetics
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Dr. Anna Fischer
Inorganic Functional Materials and Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage – Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Areas of Expertise
Nanostructured functional materials – synthesis and characterization | Electrochemistry | Electrocatalysis | Photoelectrocatalysis
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JProf. Dr. Edoardo Milana
Inflatable Snapping Metamaterials for Next Generation Soft Machine
Areas of Expertise
Soft Robotics | Biomimetics | Microfabrication | Mechanics
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Prof. Dr. Thomas Speck
Plant Biomechanics – Institute of Biology
Areas of Expertise
Biomimetics | Biomechanics | Plant evolution | Plant movements | Didactics of biomimetics
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Prof. Dr. Lars Pastewka
Department of Microsystems Engineering
Areas of Expertise
Multiscale simulation of materials | Micromechanics of materials | Materials interfaces | Surface forces | Tribology
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Prof. Dr. Chris Eberl
Micro- and Materials Mechanics – Department of Microsystems Engineering
Areas of Expertise
Materials’ reliability | Fatigue in materials | Physical degradation mechanisms | Meta materials | Programmable materials | Experimental mechanics | Digital representations of materials
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The Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies CIBSS explores how cells communicate and coordinate to sustain life in humans, animals, and plants. By studying how diverse signals are integrated with cellular processes like metabolism, CIBSS advances understanding of development, function, and adaptation across biological scales. Using cutting-edge technologies, including optogenetics and molecular engineering, CIBSS seeks groundbreaking solutions for global challenges in biomedicine and plant sciences.
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kleine-Vehn
Molecular Plant Physiology – Institute of Biology
Areas of Expertise
Plant growth at a subcellular level │Phytohormones │Botany│Cell biology│Genetics
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JProf. Dr. Sjon Hartman
Plant Environmental Signalling & Development – Institute of Biology
Areas of Expertise
Plant development│Abiotic stress│Epigenetic stress memory│Plant flooding
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Dr. Elke Barbez
Molecular Plant Physiology – Institute of Biology
Areas of expertise
Signalling processes in plants│Plant physiology │Plant genetics │Arabidopsis │Phytohormones
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PD Dr. Eva Rog-Zielinska
Head of 4D Imaging Section – IEKM Freiburg
Areas of expertise
Nano-to-micro scale investigation of the impact of mechanical activity on cardiac T-tubular system│Mechanisms of mechanosensing│Properties of myocardial infarction scars
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Dr. Giorgos Pyrowolakis
Developmental Biology – Institute of Biology
Areas of expertise
Intercellular signalling│BMP signalling│Embryogenesis│Organogenesis│Genome engineering│Stem cells
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BrainLinks-BrainTools develops advanced neurotechnologies that enable direct interaction between the brain and technical systems. By merging neuroscience, engineering, and clinical applications, the initiative promotes interdisciplinary research to create adaptive, robust brain-machine interfaces. Established in 2012 as a Cluster of Excellence, it integrates expertise from the University of Freiburg’s faculties of engineering, biology, philosophy, and medicine to drive innovation with significant societal impact.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz
Biomedical Microtechnology – Department of Microsystems Engineering
Areas of expertise
Biomedical and neural engineering│Neuromonitoring │ Neural prostheses│Functional electrical stimulation│Biohybrid systems
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Prof. Dr. Andreas Vlachos
Anatomy and Cell Biology – Department of Neuroanatomy
Areas of expertise
Microglia and cytokine-mediated synaptic plasticity│Cellular and molecular mechanisms of non-invasive brain stimulation│Transcranial magnetic sti-mulation (TMS)│Restorative and Regenerative neuromodulation
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Future Forests
Future Forests explores forests as social-ecological systems (SES) to address challenges from urbanisation, globalisation, land use, and changing demands on nature. By understanding the complex interactions between natural and social systems, the initiative aims to develop adaptive, sustainable strategies for forest management. Its innovative approaches to transforming forest-based SES are designed to be applicable globally and enhance a wide range of ecosystem services.
Prof. Dr. Marc Hanewinkel
Forestry Economics and Forest Planning – Institute of Forest Sciences
Areas of expertise
Forest Economics│Forest Planning│Climate change│Bioenergy│Transformation of forests│Economics of uneven-aged forests
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Sustainability Center Freiburg LZN brings together the University of Freiburg and five Fraunhofer institutes to develop sustainable technologies and solutions in collaboration with industry leaders like Daimler AG and Bosch GmbH. Addressing critical challenges, such as climate change, resource scarcity, and digital transformation, it focuses on impactful research and scientific advancements with real-world application.
Prof. Dr. Mark Alexander Stolz
Resillience Engineering for Technical Systems – INATECH
Areas of expertise
Assessment and enhancement of risk and resilience for infrastructure networks│Civil engineering│Numerical modelling of materials
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The Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies FRIBIS is an interdisciplinary network at the University of Freiburg focused on Universal Basic Income (UBI) research. By uniting global researchers and civil society actors, it aims to provide a robust foundation for public and political discourse on UBI, fostering a transition to a more just and sustainable society. Its collaborative approach integrates academic research with real-world insights from societal actors, ensuring practical and relevant outcomes.
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumärker
Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory – Institute for Economics
Areas of expertise
Constitutional economics and social contract theory│Political economy of reforms│Economics of social justice│Economics of conflict and power
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