Text icon 'UFR' standing for University of Freiburg
Chair of International Economic Law with a Focus on East Asia
Seal element of the university of freiburg in the shape of a clover


Why German lawyers should familiarise themselves with Korean law

South Korea is one of the most dynamic economies in Asia and an important trading partner for Germany. The Freiburg Faculty of Law regularly hosts colloquia in collaboration with the prestigious Seoul National University School of Law. In courses offered by the Institute for East Asian Law, students can learn the fundamentals of Korean law.

The Korean legal system is heavily influenced by German civil law, making it particularly accessible to German lawyers. Understanding Korean law can help broaden the scope for comparative legal studies and better grasp the increasing interconnections in international law.

First Meeting of the Korean Law Working Group

Lecture by Dr. Matthias Schleicher, attorney-at-law, on “German Companies and Career Prospects for German Lawyers in Korea,” 07.07.2010

Lecture by Prof. Dr. KWON Youngjoon (Seoul National University), 21.01.2010

Second Meeting of the Korean Law Working Group