Textlogo 'UFR', Abkürzung für 'Universität Freiburg'
Institut für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Öffentliches Recht – Prof. Dr. Jan Henrik Klement
Siegelement der Uni Freiburg in Form eines Schildes

Gastvorlesung: „German Law and legal culture: A view from the outside“

Prof. Russel A. Miller (Washington and Lee University School of Law, USA)

What story would you tell about German law? This bloc-seminar provides one answer to that question. Using comparative law insights, it paints a portrait of German legal culture from the standpoint of a jurist trained outside Germany. That “outside” perspective makes the seminar discussions a valuable point of entry for non-German students studying law in Freiburg (Erasmus / LL.M.). But it also provides German students a rare opportunity to reflect — in broad and cultural terms — on the nature and character of their legal system.

